
Exercises sheet 3: Verification of Mathematics

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Definition sorry {T} : T. Admitted.

Exercise: prove
Lemma exbig1 : \sum_(1 ≤ i < 4) i.*2 = 12.
Proof. Admitted.

Lemma exbig2 n : \sum_(i < n) (2 × i + 1) = n ^ 2.
Proof. Admitted.

Prove the following statement using only big operator theorems. big_cat_nat, big_nat_cond, big_mkcondl, big1
Lemma sum_prefix_0 (f : natnat) n m : nm
  ( k, k < nf k = 0) →
  \sum_(0 ≤ i < m) f i = \sum_(ni < m) f i.
Proof. Admitted.

Open Scope ring_scope.
Import GRing.Theory.

Variable (R : comRingType).
Variables (m n : nat).
Implicit Types (A B C : 'M[R]_(m,m)).

Exercise: prove
Lemma exa1 (x : R) n : x *+ n.+1 = x *+ n + x.
Proof. Admitted.

Exercise: prove
Lemma exm1 (c : R) A B : c *: (A + B) = c *: B + c *: A.
Proof. Admitted.

Exercise: prove
Lemma exm2 A B C : A ×m B ×m C = A ×m (B ×m C).
Proof. Admitted.

Prove that:
  • (a - bX) has a size of 2
Lemma P1_size (a b : R) : size (a%:P - b*:'X) = 2%nat.
Proof. Admitted.

Prove that:
  • the lead_coef of (a - bX) is -b.
Lemma P1_lead_coef (a b : R) : lead_coef (a%:P - b*:'X) = -b.
Proof. Admitted.

Prove that:
  • the size of (a-X)^n is n.+1
Lemma P_size (a b : R) : size ((a%:P - b*:'X)^+n) = n.+1.
Proof. Admitted.