Congratulations: We've made it to the end!
Looking Back
We've covered quite a bit of ground so far. Here's a quick review...
- Functional programming:
programming style (recursion over immutable
data structures, rather than looping over mutable arrays
or pointer structures)
- higher-order functions
- polymorphism
- Logic, the mathematical basis for software engineering:
logic calculus
- ------------------- ~ ----------------------------
software engineering mechanical/civil engineering
- inductively defined sets and relations
- inductive proofs
- proof objects
- Coq, an industrial-strength proof assistant
- functional core language
- core tactics
- automation
Looking Forward
If what you've seen so far has whetted your interest, you have two
choices for further reading in the Software Foundations series:
- Programming Language Foundations (volume 2, by a set of
authors similar to this book's) covers material that
might be found in a graduate course on the theory of
programming languages, including Hoare logic, operational
semantics, and type systems.
- Verified Functional Algorithms (volume 3, by Andrew
Appel) builds on the themes of functional programming and
program verification in Coq, addressing a range of topics
that might be found in a standard data structures course,
with an eye to formal verification.
Other sources
Here are some other good places to learn more...
This book includes some optional chapters covering topics
that you may find useful. Take a look at the table of contents and the chapter dependency diagram to find
For questions about Coq, the #coq area of Stack
Overflow (
is an excellent community resource.
Here are some great books on functional programming
- Learn You a Haskell for Great Good, by Miran Lipovaca
Lipovaca 2011 (in Bib.v).
- Real World Haskell, by Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen,
and Don Stewart O'Sullivan 2008 (in Bib.v)
- ...and many other excellent books on Haskell, OCaml,
Scheme, Racket, Scala, F sharp, etc., etc.
And some further resources for Coq:
- Certified Programming with Dependent Types, by Adam
Chlipala Chlipala 2013 (in Bib.v).
- Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development:
Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions, by Yves
Bertot and Pierre Casteran Bertot 2004 (in Bib.v).
If you're interested in real-world applications of formal
verification to critical software, see the Postscript chapter
of Programming Language Foundations.
For applications of Coq in building verified systems, the
lectures and course materials for the 2017 DeepSpec Summer
School are a great resource.