Coq and User Interfaces


Coq Implementors Meeting 2017 ─ Le Croisic

Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias

Definition of User Interface?

  • IDEs: Development Enviroments
  • Analysis / Refactoring tools
  • Code browsing / Documentation

CoqIDE, Proof General, dpdgraph, bug minimizer, coqc, coqdoc, jsCoq...

Important Considerations:

  • Data models.
  • Data representation.
  • Protocols.
  • Communication channels.
  • Maintenance / documentation.

The Read-Eval-Print-Loop

  1. User inputs command.
  2. Prover executes the command.
  3. Prover prints results.
  4. GOTO 1

The Edit-Check (Search) Cycle

User edits proof documents, continously.

Hales estimates that almost 50% of his time formalising the Jordan curve theorem and working on Flyspeck was spent looking up theorems in the HOL Light library.

Coq's User Interface API

A bit of (incomplete) history:
  • Original Coq REPL ⇒ Terminal based, humans.
  • Proof-General ⇒ Terminal based, regular expressions.
  • PIDE / STM ⇒ Custom Protocols, XML-based.
  • ? ⇒ ???? ????

It's all about the state

Typical REPL

let rec loop (st : state) =
  let cmd      = read ()     in
  let st', res = exec cmd st in
  print res; loop st'

Typical REPL with backtracing

let rec loop (sts : state list) =
  let cmd      = read ()       in
  let sts', res = exec cmd sts in
  print res; loop sts'
Many variations of this scheme
Doesn't work well for documents

Coq: Current Architecture

type st = Stateid.t
val parse_sentence : st -> parsable -> vernac_expr
val add : ontop:st -> ?newtip:st -> vernac_expr -> st
val edit_at : Stateid.t -> `NewTip | `Focus of focus
val observe : Stateid.t -> unit

Writing a New Coq Toplevel

  1. Initialize the STM
  2. ? you define interaction
  3. Profit !


jsCoq, a thin layer over the STM

A Closer Look at the STM

type state = {
  system : States.state;       (* summary + libstack *)
  proof : Proof_global.state;  (* proof state *) }
type transaction =         type vernac_type =
  | Cmd    of cmd_t          | VtStartProof of vernac_start
  | Fork   of fork_t         | VtSideff of vernac_sideff_type
  | Qed    of qed_t          | VtQed of vernac_qed_type
  | Sideff of seff_t         | VtProofStep of proof_step
  | Alias  of alias_t        | VtProofMode of string
type vernac_when =           | VtQuery of report_with
  | VtNow                    | VtUnknown
  | VtLater
val process_transaction : ast -> vernac_type * when -> unit
val reach : Stateid.t -> unit

Where is the document?

Let's have a look

Merci ! ─ Questions?