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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Util open Constr open Declarations module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration let find_mutually_recursive_statements sigma thms = let n = List.length thms in let inds = List.map (fun (id,(t,impls)) -> let (hyps,ccl) = EConstr.decompose_prod_assum sigma t in let x = (id,(t,impls)) in let whnf_hyp_hds = EConstr.map_rel_context_in_env (fun env c -> fst (Reductionops.whd_all_stack env sigma c)) (Global.env()) hyps in let ind_hyps = List.flatten (List.map_i (fun i decl -> let t = RelDecl.get_type decl in match EConstr.kind sigma t with | Ind ((kn,_ as ind),u) when let mind = Global.lookup_mind kn in mind.mind_finite <> Declarations.CoFinite -> [ind,x,i] | _ -> []) 0 (List.rev (List.filter Context.Rel.Declaration.is_local_assum whnf_hyp_hds))) in let ind_ccl = let cclenv = EConstr.push_rel_context hyps (Global.env()) in let whnf_ccl,_ = Reductionops.whd_all_stack cclenv Evd.empty ccl in match EConstr.kind sigma whnf_ccl with | Ind ((kn,_ as ind),u) when let mind = Global.lookup_mind kn in Int.equal mind.mind_ntypes n && mind.mind_finite == Declarations.CoFinite -> [ind,x,0] | _ -> [] in ind_hyps,ind_ccl) thms in let inds_hyps,ind_ccls = List.split inds in let of_same_mutind ((kn,_),_,_) = function ((kn',_),_,_) -> Names.MutInd.equal kn kn' in (* Check if all conclusions are coinductive in the same type *) (* (degenerated cartesian product since there is at most one coind ccl) *) let same_indccl = List.cartesians_filter (fun hyp oks -> if List.for_all (of_same_mutind hyp) oks then Some (hyp::oks) else None) [] ind_ccls in let ordered_same_indccl = List.filter (List.for_all_i (fun i ((kn,j),_,_) -> Int.equal i j) 0) same_indccl in (* Check if some hypotheses are inductive in the same type *) let common_same_indhyp = List.cartesians_filter (fun hyp oks -> if List.for_all (of_same_mutind hyp) oks then Some (hyp::oks) else None) [] inds_hyps in let ordered_inds,finite,guard = match ordered_same_indccl, common_same_indhyp with | indccl::rest, _ -> assert (List.is_empty rest); (* One occ. of common coind ccls and no common inductive hyps *) if not (List.is_empty common_same_indhyp) then Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (Pp.str "Assuming mutual coinductive statements."); flush_all (); indccl, true, [] | [], _::_ -> let () = match same_indccl with | ind :: _ -> if List.distinct_f Names.ind_ord (List.map pi1 ind) then Flags.if_verbose Feedback.msg_info (Pp.strbrk ("Coinductive statements do not follow the order of "^ "definition, assuming the proof to be by induction.")); flush_all () | _ -> () in let possible_guards = List.map (List.map pi3) inds_hyps in (* assume the largest indices as possible *) List.last common_same_indhyp, false, possible_guards | _, [] -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str ("Cannot find common (mutual) inductive premises or coinductive" ^ " conclusions in the statements.")) in (finite,guard,None), ordered_inds let look_for_possibly_mutual_statements sigma = function | [id,(t,impls)] -> (* One non recursively proved theorem *) None,[id,(t,impls)],None | _::_ as thms -> (* More than one statement and/or an explicit decreasing mark: *) (* we look for a common inductive hyp or a common coinductive conclusion *) let recguard,ordered_inds = find_mutually_recursive_statements sigma thms in let thms = List.map pi2 ordered_inds in Some recguard,thms, Some (List.map (fun (_,_,i) -> succ i) ordered_inds) | [] -> CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "Empty list of theorems.")