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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open CErrors open Util open Pp open Libobject open System (* Code to hook Coq into the ML toplevel -- depends on having the objective-caml compiler mostly visible. The functions implemented here are: \begin{itemize} \item [dir_ml_load name]: Loads the ML module fname from the current ML path. \item [dir_ml_use]: Directive #use of Ocaml toplevel \item [add_ml_dir]: Directive #directory of Ocaml toplevel \end{itemize} How to build an ML module interface with these functions. The idea is that the ML directory path is like the Coq directory path. So we can maintain the two in parallel. In the same way, we can use the "ml_env" as a kind of ML environment, which we freeze, unfreeze, and add things to just like to the other environments. Finally, we can create an object which is an ML module, and require that the "caching" of the ML module cause the loading of the associated ML file, if that file has not been yet loaded. Of course, the problem is how to record dependencies between ML modules. (I do not know of a solution to this problem, other than to put all the needed names into the ML Module object.) *) (* NB: this module relies on OCaml's Dynlink library. The bytecode version of Dynlink is always available, but there are some architectures with native compilation and no dynlink.cmxa. Instead of nasty IFDEF's here for hiding the calls to Dynlink, we now simply reject this rather rare situation during ./configure, and give instructions there about how to build a dummy dynlink.cmxa, cf. dev/dynlink.ml. *) (* This path is where we look for .cmo *) let coq_mlpath_copy = ref [Sys.getcwd ()] let keep_copy_mlpath path = let cpath = CUnix.canonical_path_name path in let filter path' = not (String.equal cpath path') in coq_mlpath_copy := cpath :: List.filter filter !coq_mlpath_copy (* If there is a toplevel under Coq *) type toplevel = { load_obj : string -> unit; use_file : string -> unit; add_dir : string -> unit; ml_loop : unit -> unit } (* Determines the behaviour of Coq with respect to ML files (compiled or not) *) type kind_load = | WithTop of toplevel | WithoutTop (* Must be always initialized *) let load = ref WithoutTop (* Sets and initializes a toplevel (if any) *) let set_top toplevel = load := WithTop toplevel; Nativelib.load_obj := toplevel.load_obj (* Removes the toplevel (if any) *) let remove () = load := WithoutTop; Nativelib.load_obj := (fun x -> () : string -> unit) (* Tests if an Ocaml toplevel runs under Coq *) let is_ocaml_top () = match !load with | WithTop _ -> true |_ -> false (* Tests if we can load ML files *) let has_dynlink = Coq_config.has_natdynlink || not Sys.(backend_type = Native) (* Runs the toplevel loop of Ocaml *) let ocaml_toploop () = match !load with | WithTop t -> Printexc.catch t.ml_loop () | _ -> () (* Try to interpret load_obj's (internal) errors *) let report_on_load_obj_error exc = let x = Obj.repr exc in (* Try an horrible (fragile) hack to report on Symtable dynlink errors *) (* (we follow ocaml's Printexc.to_string decoding of exceptions) *) if Obj.is_block x && String.equal (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.field x 0) 0)) "Symtable.Error" then let err_block = Obj.field x 1 in if Int.equal (Obj.tag err_block) 0 then (* Symtable.Undefined_global of string *) str "reference to undefined global " ++ str (Obj.magic (Obj.field err_block 0)) else str (Printexc.to_string exc) else str (Printexc.to_string exc) (* Dynamic loading of .cmo/.cma *) let ml_load s = match !load with | WithTop t -> (try t.load_obj s; s with | e when CErrors.noncritical e -> let e = CErrors.push e in match fst e with | (UserError _ | Failure _ | Not_found as u) -> Exninfo.iraise (u, snd e) | exc -> let msg = report_on_load_obj_error exc in user_err ~hdr:"Mltop.load_object" (str"Cannot link ml-object " ++ str s ++ str" to Coq code (" ++ msg ++ str ").")) | WithoutTop -> try Dynlink.loadfile s; s with Dynlink.Error a -> user_err ~hdr:"Mltop.load_object" (strbrk "while loading " ++ str s ++ strbrk ": " ++ str (Dynlink.error_message a)) let dir_ml_load s = match !load with | WithTop _ -> ml_load s | WithoutTop -> let warn = not !Flags.quiet in let _,gname = find_file_in_path ~warn !coq_mlpath_copy s in ml_load gname (* Dynamic interpretation of .ml *) let dir_ml_use s = match !load with | WithTop t -> t.use_file s | _ -> let moreinfo = if Sys.(backend_type = Native) then " Loading ML code works only in bytecode." else "" in user_err ~hdr:"Mltop.dir_ml_use" (str "Could not load ML code." ++ str moreinfo) (* Adds a path to the ML paths *) let add_ml_dir s = match !load with | WithTop t -> t.add_dir s; keep_copy_mlpath s | WithoutTop when has_dynlink -> keep_copy_mlpath s | _ -> () (* For Rec Add ML Path (-R) *) let add_ml_dir ~recursive unix_path = let dirs = if recursive then (all_subdirs ~unix_path) else [unix_path,[]] in List.iter (fun (lp,_) -> add_ml_dir lp) dirs (* convertit un nom quelconque en nom de fichier ou de module *) let mod_of_name name = if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo" then Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmo" else name let get_ml_object_suffix name = if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo" then Some ".cmo" else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cma" then Some ".cma" else if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmxs" then Some ".cmxs" else None let file_of_name name = let suffix = get_ml_object_suffix name in let fail s = user_err ~hdr:"Mltop.load_object" (str"File not found on loadpath : " ++ str s ++ str"\n" ++ str"Loadpath: " ++ str(String.concat ":" !coq_mlpath_copy)) in if not (Filename.is_relative name) then if Sys.file_exists name then name else fail name else if Sys.(backend_type = Native) then (* XXX: Dynlink.adapt_filename does the same? *) let name = match suffix with | Some ((".cmo"|".cma") as suffix) -> (Filename.chop_suffix name suffix) ^ ".cmxs" | Some ".cmxs" -> name | _ -> name ^ ".cmxs" in if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else fail name else let (full, base) = match suffix with | Some ".cmo" | Some ".cma" -> true, name | Some ".cmxs" -> false, Filename.chop_suffix name ".cmxs" | _ -> false, name in if full then if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy base then base else fail base else let name = base ^ ".cma" in if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else let name = base ^ ".cmo" in if is_in_path !coq_mlpath_copy name then name else fail (base ^ ".cm[ao]") (** Is the ML code of the standard library placed into loadable plugins or statically compiled into coqtop ? For the moment this choice is made according to the presence of native dynlink : even if bytecode coqtop could always load plugins, we prefer to have uniformity between bytecode and native versions. *) (* [known_loaded_module] contains the names of the loaded ML modules * (linked or loaded with load_object). It is used not to load a * module twice. It is NOT the list of ML modules Coq knows. *) let known_loaded_modules = ref String.Map.empty let add_known_module mname path = if not (String.Map.mem mname !known_loaded_modules) || String.Map.find mname !known_loaded_modules = None then known_loaded_modules := String.Map.add mname path !known_loaded_modules let module_is_known mname = String.Map.mem mname !known_loaded_modules let known_module_path mname = String.Map.find mname !known_loaded_modules (** A plugin is just an ML module with an initialization function. *) let known_loaded_plugins = ref String.Map.empty let add_known_plugin init name = add_known_module name None; known_loaded_plugins := String.Map.add name init !known_loaded_plugins let init_known_plugins () = String.Map.iter (fun _ f -> f()) !known_loaded_plugins (** Registering functions to be used at caching time, that is when the Declare ML module command is issued. *) let cache_objs = ref String.Map.empty let declare_cache_obj f name = let objs = try String.Map.find name !cache_objs with Not_found -> [] in let objs = f :: objs in cache_objs := String.Map.add name objs !cache_objs let perform_cache_obj name = let objs = try String.Map.find name !cache_objs with Not_found -> [] in let objs = List.rev objs in List.iter (fun f -> f ()) objs (** ml object = ml module or plugin *) let init_ml_object mname = try String.Map.find mname !known_loaded_plugins () with Not_found -> () let load_ml_object mname ?path fname= let path = match path with | None -> dir_ml_load fname | Some p -> ml_load p in add_known_module mname (Some path); init_ml_object mname; path let dir_ml_load m = ignore(dir_ml_load m) let add_known_module m = add_known_module m None (* Summary of declared ML Modules *) (* List and not String.Set because order is important: most recent first. *) let loaded_modules = ref [] let get_loaded_modules () = List.rev !loaded_modules let add_loaded_module md path = if not (List.mem_assoc md !loaded_modules) then loaded_modules := (md,path) :: !loaded_modules let reset_loaded_modules () = loaded_modules := [] let if_verbose_load verb f name ?path fname = if not verb then f name ?path fname else let info = str "[Loading ML file " ++ str fname ++ str " ..." in try let path = f name ?path fname in Feedback.msg_info (info ++ str " done]"); path with reraise -> Feedback.msg_info (info ++ str " failed]"); raise reraise (** Load a module for the first time (i.e. dynlink it) or simulate its reload (i.e. doing nothing except maybe an initialization function). *) let trigger_ml_object verb cache reinit ?path name = if module_is_known name then begin if reinit then init_ml_object name; add_loaded_module name (known_module_path name); if cache then perform_cache_obj name end else if not has_dynlink then user_err ~hdr:"Mltop.trigger_ml_object" (str "Dynamic link not supported (module " ++ str name ++ str ")") else begin let file = file_of_name (Option.default name path) in let path = if_verbose_load (verb && not !Flags.quiet) load_ml_object name ?path file in add_loaded_module name (Some path); if cache then perform_cache_obj name end let unfreeze_ml_modules x = reset_loaded_modules (); List.iter (fun (name,path) -> trigger_ml_object false false false ?path name) x let _ = Summary.declare_ml_modules_summary { Summary.freeze_function = (fun ~marshallable -> get_loaded_modules ()); Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze_ml_modules; Summary.init_function = reset_loaded_modules } (* Liboject entries of declared ML Modules *) type ml_module_object = { mlocal : Vernacexpr.locality_flag; mnames : string list } let cache_ml_objects (_,{mnames=mnames}) = let iter obj = trigger_ml_object true true true obj in List.iter iter mnames let load_ml_objects _ (_,{mnames=mnames}) = let iter obj = trigger_ml_object true false true obj in List.iter iter mnames let classify_ml_objects ({mlocal=mlocal} as o) = if mlocal then Dispose else Substitute o let inMLModule : ml_module_object -> obj = declare_object {(default_object "ML-MODULE") with cache_function = cache_ml_objects; load_function = load_ml_objects; subst_function = (fun (_,o) -> o); classify_function = classify_ml_objects } let declare_ml_modules local l = let l = List.map mod_of_name l in Lib.add_anonymous_leaf ~cache_first:false (inMLModule {mlocal=local; mnames=l}) let print_ml_path () = let l = !coq_mlpath_copy in str"ML Load Path:" ++ fnl () ++ str" " ++ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl str l) (* Printing of loaded ML modules *) let print_ml_modules () = let l = get_loaded_modules () in str"Loaded ML Modules: " ++ pr_vertical_list str (List.map fst l) let print_gc () = let stat = Gc.stat () in let msg = str "minor words: " ++ real stat.Gc.minor_words ++ fnl () ++ str "promoted words: " ++ real stat.Gc.promoted_words ++ fnl () ++ str "major words: " ++ real stat.Gc.major_words ++ fnl () ++ str "minor_collections: " ++ int stat.Gc.minor_collections ++ fnl () ++ str "major_collections: " ++ int stat.Gc.major_collections ++ fnl () ++ str "heap_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.heap_words ++ fnl () ++ str "heap_chunks: " ++ int stat.Gc.heap_chunks ++ fnl () ++ str "live_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.live_words ++ fnl () ++ str "live_blocks: " ++ int stat.Gc.live_blocks ++ fnl () ++ str "free_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.free_words ++ fnl () ++ str "free_blocks: " ++ int stat.Gc.free_blocks ++ fnl () ++ str "largest_free: " ++ int stat.Gc.largest_free ++ fnl () ++ str "fragments: " ++ int stat.Gc.fragments ++ fnl () ++ str "compactions: " ++ int stat.Gc.compactions ++ fnl () ++ str "top_heap_words: " ++ int stat.Gc.top_heap_words ++ fnl () ++ str "stack_size: " ++ int stat.Gc.stack_size in hv 0 msg