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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Declare open Impargs type locality = Discharge | Global of Declare.import_status (* Hooks naturally belong here as they apply to both definitions and lemmas *) module Hook = struct module S = struct type t = { uctx : UState.t (** [ustate]: universe constraints obtained when the term was closed *) ; obls : (Names.Id.t * Constr.t) list (** [(n1,t1),...(nm,tm)]: association list between obligation name and the corresponding defined term (might be a constant, but also an arbitrary term in the Expand case of obligations) *) ; scope : locality (** [locality]: Locality of the original declaration *) ; dref : Names.GlobRef.t (** [ref]: identifier of the original declaration *) } end type t = (S.t -> unit) CEphemeron.key let make hook = CEphemeron.create hook let call ?hook ?fix_exn x = try Option.iter (fun hook -> CEphemeron.get hook x) hook with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> let e = CErrors.push e in let e = Option.cata (fun fix -> fix e) e fix_exn in Util.iraise e end (* Locality stuff *) let declare_definition ~name ~scope ~kind ?hook_data udecl ce imps = let fix_exn = Declare.Internal.get_fix_exn ce in let gr = match scope with | Discharge -> let () = declare_variable ~name ~kind (SectionLocalDef ce) in Names.GlobRef.VarRef name | Global local -> let kn = declare_constant ~name ~local ~kind (DefinitionEntry ce) in let gr = Names.GlobRef.ConstRef kn in let () = DeclareUniv.declare_univ_binders gr udecl in gr in let () = maybe_declare_manual_implicits false gr imps in let () = definition_message name in begin match hook_data with | None -> () | Some (hook, uctx, obls) -> Hook.call ~fix_exn ~hook { Hook.S.uctx; obls; scope; dref = gr } end; gr let declare_fix ?(opaque = false) ?hook_data ~name ~scope ~kind udecl univs ((def,_),eff) t imps = let ce = definition_entry ~opaque ~types:t ~univs ~eff def in let kind = Decls.IsDefinition kind in declare_definition ~name ~scope ~kind ?hook_data udecl ce imps let check_definition_evars ~allow_evars sigma = let env = Global.env () in if not allow_evars then Pretyping.check_evars_are_solved ~program_mode:false env sigma let prepare_definition ~allow_evars ?opaque ?inline ~poly sigma udecl ~types ~body = check_definition_evars ~allow_evars sigma; let sigma, (body, types) = Evarutil.finalize ~abort_on_undefined_evars:(not allow_evars) sigma (fun nf -> nf body, Option.map nf types) in let univs = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly sigma udecl in sigma, definition_entry ?opaque ?inline ?types ~univs body let prepare_parameter ~allow_evars ~poly sigma udecl typ = check_definition_evars ~allow_evars sigma; let sigma, typ = Evarutil.finalize ~abort_on_undefined_evars:(not allow_evars) sigma (fun nf -> nf typ) in let univs = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly sigma udecl in sigma, (None(*proof using*), (typ, univs), None(*inline*))