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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Pp open CErrors open Util open Constr open Context open Vars open Termops open Declare open Names open Constrexpr open Constrexpr_ops open Constrintern open Pretyping open Evarutil open Evarconv module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration (* 3c| Fixpoints and co-fixpoints *) (* An (unoptimized) function that maps preorders to partial orders... Input: a list of associations (x,[y1;...;yn]), all yi distincts and different of x, meaning x<=y1, ..., x<=yn Output: a list of associations (x,Inr [y1;...;yn]), collecting all distincts yi greater than x, _or_, (x, Inl y) meaning that x is in the same class as y (in which case, x occurs nowhere else in the association map) partial_order : ('a * 'a list) list -> ('a * ('a,'a list) union) list *) let rec partial_order cmp = function | [] -> [] | (x,xge)::rest -> let rec browse res xge' = function | [] -> let res = List.map (function | (z, Inr zge) when List.mem_f cmp x zge -> (z, Inr (List.union cmp zge xge')) | r -> r) res in (x,Inr xge')::res | y::xge -> let rec link y = try match List.assoc_f cmp y res with | Inl z -> link z | Inr yge -> if List.mem_f cmp x yge then let res = List.remove_assoc_f cmp y res in let res = List.map (function | (z, Inl t) -> if cmp t y then (z, Inl x) else (z, Inl t) | (z, Inr zge) -> if List.mem_f cmp y zge then (z, Inr (List.add_set cmp x (List.remove cmp y zge))) else (z, Inr zge)) res in browse ((y,Inl x)::res) xge' (List.union cmp xge (List.remove cmp x yge)) else browse res (List.add_set cmp y (List.union cmp xge' yge)) xge with Not_found -> browse res (List.add_set cmp y xge') xge in link y in browse (partial_order cmp rest) [] xge let non_full_mutual_message x xge y yge isfix rest = let reason = if Id.List.mem x yge then Id.print y ++ str " depends on " ++ Id.print x ++ strbrk " but not conversely" else if Id.List.mem y xge then Id.print x ++ str " depends on " ++ Id.print y ++ strbrk " but not conversely" else Id.print y ++ str " and " ++ Id.print x ++ strbrk " are not mutually dependent" in let e = if List.is_empty rest then reason else strbrk "e.g., " ++ reason in let k = if isfix then "fixpoint" else "cofixpoint" in let w = if isfix then strbrk "Well-foundedness check may fail unexpectedly." ++ fnl() else mt () in strbrk "Not a fully mutually defined " ++ str k ++ fnl () ++ str "(" ++ e ++ str ")." ++ fnl () ++ w let warn_non_full_mutual = CWarnings.create ~name:"non-full-mutual" ~category:"fixpoints" (fun (x,xge,y,yge,isfix,rest) -> non_full_mutual_message x xge y yge isfix rest) let check_mutuality env evd isfix fixl = let names = List.map fst fixl in let preorder = List.map (fun (id,def) -> (id, List.filter (fun id' -> not (Id.equal id id') && occur_var env evd id' def) names)) fixl in let po = partial_order Id.equal preorder in match List.filter (function (_,Inr _) -> true | _ -> false) po with | (x,Inr xge)::(y,Inr yge)::rest -> warn_non_full_mutual (x,xge,y,yge,isfix,rest) | _ -> () let interp_fix_context ~program_mode ~cofix env sigma fix = let before, after = if not cofix then split_at_annot fix.Vernacexpr.binders fix.Vernacexpr.rec_order else [], fix.Vernacexpr.binders in let sigma, (impl_env, ((env', ctx), imps)) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode env sigma before in let sigma, (impl_env', ((env'', ctx'), imps')) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode ~impl_env ~shift:(Context.Rel.nhyps ctx) env' sigma after in let annot = Option.map (fun _ -> List.length (assums_of_rel_context ctx)) fix.Vernacexpr.rec_order in sigma, ((env'', ctx' @ ctx), (impl_env',imps @ imps'), annot) let interp_fix_ccl ~program_mode sigma impls (env,_) fix = let sigma, (c, impl) = interp_type_evars_impls ~program_mode ~impls env sigma fix.Vernacexpr.rtype in let r = Retyping.relevance_of_type env sigma c in sigma, (c, r, impl) let interp_fix_body ~program_mode env_rec sigma impls (_,ctx) fix ccl = let open EConstr in Option.cata (fun body -> let env = push_rel_context ctx env_rec in let sigma, body = interp_casted_constr_evars ~program_mode env sigma ~impls body ccl in sigma, Some (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body ctx)) (sigma, None) fix.Vernacexpr.body_def let build_fix_type (_,ctx) ccl = EConstr.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl ctx let prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixrs fixtypes fixdefs = let defs = List.map (subst_vars (List.rev fixnames)) fixdefs in let names = List.map2 (fun id r -> make_annot (Name id) r) fixnames fixrs in (Array.of_list names, Array.of_list fixtypes, Array.of_list defs) (* Jump over let-bindings. *) let compute_possible_guardness_evidences (ctx,_,recindex) = (* A recursive index is characterized by the number of lambdas to skip before finding the relevant inductive argument *) match recindex with | Some i -> [i] | None -> (* If recursive argument was not given by user, we try all args. An earlier approach was to look only for inductive arguments, but doing it properly involves delta-reduction, and it finally doesn't seem to worth the effort (except for huge mutual fixpoints ?) *) List.interval 0 (Context.Rel.nhyps ctx - 1) type recursive_preentry = Id.t list * Sorts.relevance list * constr option list * types list (* Wellfounded definition *) let fix_proto sigma = Evarutil.new_global sigma (Coqlib.lib_ref "program.tactic.fix_proto") let interp_recursive ~program_mode ~cofix (fixl : 'a Vernacexpr.fix_expr_gen list) = let open Context.Named.Declaration in let open EConstr in let env = Global.env() in let fixnames = List.map (fun fix -> fix.Vernacexpr.fname.CAst.v) fixl in (* Interp arities allowing for unresolved types *) let all_universes = List.fold_right (fun sfe acc -> match sfe.Vernacexpr.univs , acc with | None , acc -> acc | x , None -> x | Some ls , Some us -> let open UState in let lsu = ls.univdecl_instance and usu = us.univdecl_instance in if not (CList.for_all2eq (fun x y -> Id.equal x.CAst.v y.CAst.v) lsu usu) then user_err Pp.(str "(co)-recursive definitions should all have the same universe binders"); Some us) fixl None in let sigma, decl = interp_univ_decl_opt env all_universes in let sigma, (fixctxs, fiximppairs, fixannots) = on_snd List.split3 @@ List.fold_left_map (fun sigma -> interp_fix_context ~program_mode env sigma ~cofix) sigma fixl in let fixctximpenvs, fixctximps = List.split fiximppairs in let sigma, (fixccls,fixrs,fixcclimps) = on_snd List.split3 @@ List.fold_left3_map (interp_fix_ccl ~program_mode) sigma fixctximpenvs fixctxs fixl in let fixtypes = List.map2 build_fix_type fixctxs fixccls in let fixtypes = List.map (fun c -> nf_evar sigma c) fixtypes in let fiximps = List.map3 (fun ctximps cclimps (_,ctx) -> ctximps@cclimps) fixctximps fixcclimps fixctxs in let sigma, rec_sign = List.fold_left2 (fun (sigma, env') id t -> if program_mode then let sigma, sort = Typing.type_of ~refresh:true env sigma t in let sigma, fixprot = try let sigma, h_term = fix_proto sigma in let app = mkApp (h_term, [|sort; t|]) in Typing.solve_evars env sigma app with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> sigma, t in sigma, LocalAssum (make_annot id Sorts.Relevant,fixprot) :: env' else sigma, LocalAssum (make_annot id Sorts.Relevant,t) :: env') (sigma,[]) fixnames fixtypes in let env_rec = push_named_context rec_sign env in (* Get interpretation metadatas *) let impls = compute_internalization_env env sigma Recursive fixnames fixtypes fiximps in (* Interp bodies with rollback because temp use of notations/implicit *) let sigma, fixdefs = Metasyntax.with_syntax_protection (fun () -> let notations = List.map_append (fun { Vernacexpr.notations } -> notations) fixl in List.iter (Metasyntax.set_notation_for_interpretation env_rec impls) notations; List.fold_left4_map (fun sigma fixctximpenv -> interp_fix_body ~program_mode env_rec sigma (Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add fixctximpenv impls)) sigma fixctximpenvs fixctxs fixl fixccls) () in (* Instantiate evars and check all are resolved *) let sigma = solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics env_rec sigma in let sigma = Evd.minimize_universes sigma in let fixctxs = List.map (fun (_,ctx) -> ctx) fixctxs in (* Build the fix declaration block *) (env,rec_sign,decl,sigma), (fixnames,fixrs,fixdefs,fixtypes), List.combine3 fixctxs fiximps fixannots let check_recursive isfix env evd (fixnames,_,fixdefs,_) = if List.for_all Option.has_some fixdefs then begin let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in check_mutuality env evd isfix (List.combine fixnames fixdefs) end let ground_fixpoint env evd (fixnames,fixrs,fixdefs,fixtypes) = check_evars_are_solved ~program_mode:false env evd; let fixdefs = List.map (fun c -> Option.map EConstr.(to_constr evd) c) fixdefs in let fixtypes = List.map EConstr.(to_constr evd) fixtypes in Evd.evar_universe_context evd, (fixnames,fixrs,fixdefs,fixtypes) let interp_fixpoint ~cofix l = let (env,_,pl,evd),fix,info = interp_recursive ~program_mode:false ~cofix l in check_recursive true env evd fix; let uctx,fix = ground_fixpoint env evd fix in (fix,pl,uctx,info) let declare_fixpoint_interactive_generic ?indexes ~scope ~poly ((fixnames,_fixrs,fixdefs,fixtypes),udecl,ctx,fiximps) ntns = let fix_kind, cofix, indexes = match indexes with | Some indexes -> Decls.Fixpoint, false, indexes | None -> Decls.CoFixpoint, true, [] in let thms = List.map3 (fun name t (ctx,impargs,_) -> { Lemmas.Recthm.name; typ = EConstr.of_constr t ; args = List.map RelDecl.get_name ctx; impargs}) fixnames fixtypes fiximps in let init_tac = Some (List.map (Option.cata (EConstr.of_constr %> Tactics.exact_no_check) Tacticals.New.tclIDTAC) fixdefs) in let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in let lemma = Lemmas.start_lemma_with_initialization ~poly ~scope ~kind:(Decls.IsDefinition fix_kind) ~udecl evd (Some(cofix,indexes,init_tac)) thms None in (* Declare notations *) List.iter (Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation (Global.env())) ntns; lemma let declare_fixpoint_generic ?indexes ~scope ~poly ((fixnames,fixrs,fixdefs,fixtypes),pl,ctx,fiximps) ntns = let indexes, cofix, fix_kind = match indexes with | Some indexes -> indexes, false, Decls.Fixpoint | None -> [], true, Decls.CoFixpoint in (* We shortcut the proof process *) let fixdefs = List.map Option.get fixdefs in let fixdecls = prepare_recursive_declaration fixnames fixrs fixtypes fixdefs in let vars, fixdecls, gidx = if not cofix then let env = Global.env() in let indexes = search_guard env indexes fixdecls in let vars = Vars.universes_of_constr (mkFix ((indexes,0),fixdecls)) in let fixdecls = List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkFix ((indexes,i),fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in vars, fixdecls, Some indexes else (* cofix *) let fixdecls = List.map_i (fun i _ -> mkCoFix (i,fixdecls)) 0 fixnames in let vars = Vars.universes_of_constr (List.hd fixdecls) in vars, fixdecls, None in let fiximps = List.map (fun (n,r,p) -> r) fiximps in let evd = Evd.from_ctx ctx in let evd = Evd.restrict_universe_context evd vars in let ctx = Evd.check_univ_decl ~poly evd pl in let pl = Evd.universe_binders evd in let mk_pure c = (c, Univ.ContextSet.empty), Evd.empty_side_effects in let fixdecls = List.map mk_pure fixdecls in ignore (List.map4 (fun name -> DeclareDef.declare_fix ~name ~scope ~kind:fix_kind pl ctx) fixnames fixdecls fixtypes fiximps); recursive_message (not cofix) gidx fixnames; List.iter (Metasyntax.add_notation_interpretation (Global.env())) ntns; () let extract_decreasing_argument ~structonly = function { CAst.v = v } -> match v with | CStructRec na -> na | (CWfRec (na,_) | CMeasureRec (Some na,_,_)) when not structonly -> na | CMeasureRec (None,_,_) when not structonly -> user_err Pp.(str "Decreasing argument must be specified in measure clause.") | _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Well-founded induction requires Program Fixpoint or Function.") (* This is a special case: if there's only one binder, we pick it as the recursive argument if none is provided. *) let adjust_rec_order ~structonly binders rec_order = let rec_order = Option.map (fun rec_order -> match binders, rec_order with | [CLocalAssum([{ CAst.v = Name x }],_,_)], { CAst.v = CMeasureRec(None, mes, rel); CAst.loc } -> CAst.make ?loc @@ CMeasureRec(Some (CAst.make x), mes, rel) | [CLocalDef({ CAst.v = Name x },_,_)], { CAst.v = CMeasureRec(None, mes, rel); CAst.loc } -> CAst.make ?loc @@ CMeasureRec(Some (CAst.make x), mes, rel) | _, x -> x) rec_order in Option.map (extract_decreasing_argument ~structonly) rec_order let do_fixpoint_common (fixl : Vernacexpr.fixpoint_expr list) = let fixl = List.map (fun fix -> Vernacexpr.{ fix with rec_order = adjust_rec_order ~structonly:true fix.binders fix.rec_order }) fixl in let ntns = List.map_append (fun { Vernacexpr.notations } -> notations ) fixl in let (_, _, _, info as fix) = interp_fixpoint ~cofix:false fixl in fixl, ntns, fix, List.map compute_possible_guardness_evidences info let do_fixpoint_interactive ~scope ~poly l : Lemmas.t = let fixl, ntns, fix, possible_indexes = do_fixpoint_common l in let lemma = declare_fixpoint_interactive_generic ~indexes:possible_indexes ~scope ~poly fix ntns in lemma let do_fixpoint ~scope ~poly l = let fixl, ntns, fix, possible_indexes = do_fixpoint_common l in declare_fixpoint_generic ~indexes:possible_indexes ~scope ~poly fix ntns let do_cofixpoint_common (fixl : Vernacexpr.cofixpoint_expr list) = let fixl = List.map (fun fix -> {fix with Vernacexpr.rec_order = None}) fixl in let ntns = List.map_append (fun { Vernacexpr.notations } -> notations ) fixl in interp_fixpoint ~cofix:true fixl, ntns let do_cofixpoint_interactive ~scope ~poly l = let cofix, ntns = do_cofixpoint_common l in let lemma = declare_fixpoint_interactive_generic ~scope ~poly cofix ntns in lemma let do_cofixpoint ~scope ~poly l = let cofix, ntns = do_cofixpoint_common l in declare_fixpoint_generic ~scope ~poly cofix ntns