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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Pp open Util open Redexpr open Constrintern open Pretyping (* Commands of the interface: Constant definitions *) let red_constant_body red_opt env sigma body = match red_opt with | None -> sigma, body | Some red -> let red, _ = reduction_of_red_expr env red in red env sigma body let warn_implicits_in_term = CWarnings.create ~name:"implicits-in-term" ~category:"implicits" (fun () -> strbrk "Implicit arguments declaration relies on type." ++ spc () ++ strbrk "Discarding incompatible declaration in term.") let check_imps ~impsty ~impsbody = let rec aux impsty impsbody = match impsty, impsbody with | a1 :: impsty, a2 :: impsbody -> (match a1.CAst.v, a2.CAst.v with | None , None -> aux impsty impsbody | Some _ , Some _ -> aux impsty impsbody | _, _ -> warn_implicits_in_term ?loc:a2.CAst.loc ()) | _ :: _, [] | [], _ :: _ -> (* Information only on one side *) () | [], [] -> () in aux impsty impsbody let interp_definition ~program_mode pl bl ~poly red_option c ctypopt = let env = Global.env() in (* Explicitly bound universes and constraints *) let evd, udecl = Constrexpr_ops.interp_univ_decl_opt env pl in (* Build the parameters *) let evd, (impls, ((env_bl, ctx), imps1)) = interp_context_evars ~program_mode env evd bl in (* Build the type *) let evd, tyopt = Option.fold_left_map (interp_type_evars_impls ~program_mode ~impls env_bl) evd ctypopt in (* Build the body, and merge implicits from parameters and from type/body *) let evd, c, imps, tyopt = match tyopt with | None -> let evd, (c, impsbody) = interp_constr_evars_impls ~program_mode ~impls env_bl evd c in evd, c, imps1@impsbody, None | Some (ty, impsty) -> let evd, (c, impsbody) = interp_casted_constr_evars_impls ~program_mode ~impls env_bl evd c ty in check_imps ~impsty ~impsbody; evd, c, imps1@impsty, Some ty in (* Do the reduction *) let evd, c = red_constant_body red_option env_bl evd c in (* Declare the definition *) let c = EConstr.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn c ctx in let tyopt = Option.map (fun ty -> EConstr.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ty ctx) tyopt in let evd, ce = DeclareDef.prepare_definition ~allow_evars:program_mode ~opaque:false ~poly evd udecl ~types:tyopt ~body:c in (ce, evd, udecl, imps) let check_definition ~program_mode (ce, evd, _, imps) = let env = Global.env () in check_evars_are_solved ~program_mode env evd; ce let do_definition ~program_mode ?hook ~name ~scope ~poly ~kind univdecl bl red_option c ctypopt = let (ce, evd, univdecl, imps as def) = interp_definition ~program_mode univdecl bl ~poly red_option c ctypopt in if program_mode then let env = Global.env () in let (c,ctx), sideff = Future.force ce.Declare.proof_entry_body in assert(Safe_typing.empty_private_constants = sideff.Evd.seff_private); assert(Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx); Obligations.check_evars env evd; let c = EConstr.of_constr c in let typ = match ce.Declare.proof_entry_type with | Some t -> EConstr.of_constr t | None -> Retyping.get_type_of env evd c in let obls, _, c, cty = Obligations.eterm_obligations env name evd 0 c typ in let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context evd in ignore(Obligations.add_definition ~name ~term:c cty ctx ~univdecl ~implicits:imps ~scope ~poly ~kind ?hook obls) else let ce = check_definition ~program_mode def in let uctx = Evd.evar_universe_context evd in let hook_data = Option.map (fun hook -> hook, uctx, []) hook in let kind = Decls.IsDefinition kind in ignore(DeclareDef.declare_definition ~name ~scope ~kind ?hook_data (Evd.universe_binders evd) ce imps)