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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open CErrors (** The type of parsing attribute data *) type vernac_flags = vernac_flag list and vernac_flag = string * vernac_flag_value and vernac_flag_value = | VernacFlagEmpty | VernacFlagLeaf of string | VernacFlagList of vernac_flags let unsupported_attributes = function | [] -> () | atts -> let keys = List.map fst atts in let keys = List.sort_uniq String.compare keys in let conj = match keys with [_] -> "this attribute: " | _ -> "these attributes: " in user_err Pp.(str "This command does not support " ++ str conj ++ prlist str keys ++ str".") type 'a key_parser = 'a option -> vernac_flag_value -> 'a type 'a attribute = vernac_flags -> vernac_flags * 'a let parse_with_extra (p:'a attribute) (atts:vernac_flags) : vernac_flags * 'a = p atts let parse_drop_extra att atts = snd (parse_with_extra att atts) let parse (p:'a attribute) atts : 'a = let extra, v = parse_with_extra p atts in unsupported_attributes extra; v let make_attribute x = x module Notations = struct type 'a t = 'a attribute let return x = fun atts -> atts, x let (>>=) att f = fun atts -> let atts, v = att atts in f v atts let (>>) p1 p2 = fun atts -> let atts, () = p1 atts in p2 atts let map f att = fun atts -> let atts, v = att atts in atts, f v let (++) (p1:'a attribute) (p2:'b attribute) : ('a*'b) attribute = fun atts -> let atts, v1 = p1 atts in let atts, v2 = p2 atts in atts, (v1, v2) end open Notations let assert_empty k v = if v <> VernacFlagEmpty then user_err Pp.(str "Attribute " ++ str k ++ str " does not accept arguments") let error_twice ~name : 'a = user_err Pp.(str "Attribute for " ++ str name ++ str " specified twice.") let assert_once ~name prev = if Option.has_some prev then error_twice ~name let attribute_of_list (l:(string * 'a key_parser) list) : 'a option attribute = let rec p extra v = function | [] -> List.rev extra, v | (key, attv as att) :: rem -> (match CList.assoc_f String.equal key l with | exception Not_found -> p (att::extra) v rem | parser -> let v = Some (parser v attv) in p extra v rem) in p [] None let single_key_parser ~name ~key v prev args = assert_empty key args; assert_once ~name prev; v let bool_attribute ~name ~on ~off : bool option attribute = attribute_of_list [(on, single_key_parser ~name ~key:on true); (off, single_key_parser ~name ~key:off false)] (* Variant of the [bool] attribute with only two values (bool has three). *) let get_bool_value ~key ~default = function | VernacFlagEmpty -> default | VernacFlagList [ "true", VernacFlagEmpty ] -> true | VernacFlagList [ "false", VernacFlagEmpty ] -> false | _ -> user_err Pp.(str "Attribute " ++ str key ++ str " only accepts boolean values.") let enable_attribute ~key ~default : bool attribute = fun atts -> let default = default () in let this, extra = List.partition (fun (k, _) -> String.equal key k) atts in extra, match this with | [] -> default | [ _, value ] -> get_bool_value ~key ~default:true value | _ -> error_twice ~name:key let qualify_attribute qual (parser:'a attribute) : 'a attribute = fun atts -> let rec extract extra qualified = function | [] -> List.rev extra, List.flatten (List.rev qualified) | (key,attv) :: rem when String.equal key qual -> (match attv with | VernacFlagEmpty | VernacFlagLeaf _ -> CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"qualified_attribute" Pp.(str "Malformed attribute " ++ str qual ++ str ": attribute list expected.") | VernacFlagList atts -> extract extra (atts::qualified) rem) | att :: rem -> extract (att::extra) qualified rem in let extra, qualified = extract [] [] atts in let rem, v = parser qualified in let extra = if rem = [] then extra else (qual, VernacFlagList rem) :: extra in extra, v (** [program_mode] tells that Program mode has been activated, either globally via [Set Program] or locally via the Program command prefix. *) let program_mode_option_name = ["Program";"Mode"] let program_mode = ref false let () = let open Goptions in declare_bool_option { optdepr = false; optname = "use of the program extension"; optkey = program_mode_option_name; optread = (fun () -> !program_mode); optwrite = (fun b -> program_mode:=b) } let program = enable_attribute ~key:"program" ~default:(fun () -> !program_mode) let locality = bool_attribute ~name:"Locality" ~on:"local" ~off:"global" let warn_unqualified_univ_attr = CWarnings.create ~name:"unqualified-univ-attr" ~category:"deprecated" (fun key -> Pp.(str "Attribute " ++ str key ++ str " should be qualified as \"universes("++str key++str")\".")) let ukey = "universes" let universe_transform ~warn_unqualified : unit attribute = fun atts -> let atts = List.map (fun (key,_ as att) -> match key with | "polymorphic" | "monomorphic" | "template" | "notemplate" -> if warn_unqualified then warn_unqualified_univ_attr key; ukey, VernacFlagList [att] | _ -> att) atts in atts, () let universe_polymorphism_option_name = ["Universe"; "Polymorphism"] let is_universe_polymorphism = let b = ref false in let () = let open Goptions in declare_bool_option { optdepr = false; optname = "universe polymorphism"; optkey = universe_polymorphism_option_name; optread = (fun () -> !b); optwrite = ((:=) b) } in fun () -> !b let polymorphic_base = bool_attribute ~name:"Polymorphism" ~on:"polymorphic" ~off:"monomorphic" >>= function | Some b -> return b | None -> return (is_universe_polymorphism()) let polymorphic_nowarn = universe_transform ~warn_unqualified:false >> qualify_attribute ukey polymorphic_base let template = universe_transform ~warn_unqualified:true >> qualify_attribute ukey (bool_attribute ~name:"Template" ~on:"template" ~off:"notemplate") let polymorphic = universe_transform ~warn_unqualified:true >> qualify_attribute ukey polymorphic_base let deprecation_parser : Deprecation.t key_parser = fun orig args -> assert_once ~name:"deprecation" orig; match args with | VernacFlagList [ "since", VernacFlagLeaf since ; "note", VernacFlagLeaf note ] | VernacFlagList [ "note", VernacFlagLeaf note ; "since", VernacFlagLeaf since ] -> Deprecation.make ~since ~note () | VernacFlagList [ "since", VernacFlagLeaf since ] -> Deprecation.make ~since () | VernacFlagList [ "note", VernacFlagLeaf note ] -> Deprecation.make ~note () | _ -> CErrors.user_err (Pp.str "Ill formed “deprecated” attribute") let deprecation = attribute_of_list ["deprecated",deprecation_parser] let only_locality atts = parse locality atts let only_polymorphism atts = parse polymorphic atts let vernac_polymorphic_flag = ukey, VernacFlagList ["polymorphic", VernacFlagEmpty] let vernac_monomorphic_flag = ukey, VernacFlagList ["monomorphic", VernacFlagEmpty] let canonical = enable_attribute ~key:"canonical" ~default:(fun () -> true)