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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) (* The following definitions are used by the function [assumptions] which gives as an output the set of all axioms and sections variables on which a given term depends in a context (expectingly the Global context) *) (* Initial author: Arnaud Spiwack Module-traversing code: Pierre Letouzey *) open Pp open CErrors open Util open Names open Constr open Context open Declarations open Mod_subst open Printer open Context.Named.Declaration module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration (** For a constant c in a module sealed by an interface (M:T and not M<:T), [Global.lookup_constant] may return a [constant_body] without body. We fix this by looking in the implementation of the module *) let modcache = ref (MPmap.empty : structure_body MPmap.t) let rec search_mod_label lab = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (l, SFBmodule mb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> mb | _ :: fields -> search_mod_label lab fields let rec search_cst_label lab = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (l, SFBconst cb) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> cb | _ :: fields -> search_cst_label lab fields let rec search_mind_label lab = function | [] -> raise Not_found | (l, SFBmind mind) :: _ when Label.equal l lab -> mind | _ :: fields -> search_mind_label lab fields (* TODO: using [empty_delta_resolver] below is probably slightly incorrect. But: a) I don't see currently what should be used instead b) this shouldn't be critical for Print Assumption. At worse some constants will have a canonical name which is non-canonical, leading to failures in [Global.lookup_constant], but our own [lookup_constant] should work. *) let rec fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args = function |NoFunctor a -> f subs mp0 args a |MoreFunctor (mbid,_,e) -> match args with | [] -> assert false (* we should only encounter applied functors *) | mpa :: args -> let subs = join (map_mbid mbid mpa empty_delta_resolver (*TODO*)) subs in fields_of_functor f subs mp0 args e let rec lookup_module_in_impl mp = match mp with | MPfile _ -> Global.lookup_module mp | MPbound _ -> Global.lookup_module mp | MPdot (mp',lab') -> if ModPath.equal mp' (Global.current_modpath ()) then Global.lookup_module mp else let fields = memoize_fields_of_mp mp' in search_mod_label lab' fields and memoize_fields_of_mp mp = try MPmap.find mp !modcache with Not_found -> let l = fields_of_mp mp in modcache := MPmap.add mp l !modcache; l and fields_of_mp mp = let mb = lookup_module_in_impl mp in let fields,inner_mp,subs = fields_of_mb empty_subst mb [] in let subs = if ModPath.equal inner_mp mp then subs else add_mp inner_mp mp mb.mod_delta subs in Modops.subst_structure subs fields and fields_of_mb subs mb args = match mb.mod_expr with |Algebraic expr -> fields_of_expression subs mb.mod_mp args expr |Struct sign -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args sign |Abstract|FullStruct -> fields_of_signature subs mb.mod_mp args mb.mod_type (** The Abstract case above corresponds to [Declare Module] *) and fields_of_signature x = fields_of_functor (fun subs mp0 args struc -> assert (List.is_empty args); (struc, mp0, subs)) x and fields_of_expr subs mp0 args = function |MEident mp -> let mb = lookup_module_in_impl (subst_mp subs mp) in fields_of_mb subs mb args |MEapply (me1,mp2) -> fields_of_expr subs mp0 (mp2::args) me1 |MEwith _ -> assert false (* no 'with' in [mod_expr] *) and fields_of_expression x = fields_of_functor fields_of_expr x let lookup_constant_in_impl cst fallback = try let mp,lab = KerName.repr (Constant.canonical cst) in let fields = memoize_fields_of_mp mp in (* A module found this way is necessarily closed, in particular our constant cannot be in an opened section : *) search_cst_label lab fields with Not_found -> (* Either: - The module part of the constant isn't registered yet : we're still in it, so the [constant_body] found earlier (if any) was a true axiom. - The label has not been found in the structure. This is an error *) match fallback with | Some cb -> cb | None -> anomaly (str "Print Assumption: unknown constant " ++ Constant.print cst ++ str ".") let lookup_constant cst = let env = Global.env() in if not (Environ.mem_constant cst env) then lookup_constant_in_impl cst None else let cb = Environ.lookup_constant cst env in if Declareops.constant_has_body cb then cb else lookup_constant_in_impl cst (Some cb) let lookup_mind_in_impl mind = try let mp,lab = KerName.repr (MutInd.canonical mind) in let fields = memoize_fields_of_mp mp in search_mind_label lab fields with Not_found -> anomaly (str "Print Assumption: unknown inductive " ++ MutInd.print mind ++ str ".") let lookup_mind mind = let env = Global.env() in if Environ.mem_mind mind env then Environ.lookup_mind mind env else lookup_mind_in_impl mind (** Graph traversal of an object, collecting on the way the dependencies of traversed objects *) let label_of = let open GlobRef in function | ConstRef kn -> Constant.label kn | IndRef (kn,_) | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> MutInd.label kn | VarRef id -> Label.of_id id let rec traverse current ctx accu t = let open GlobRef in match Constr.kind t with | Var id -> let body () = id |> Global.lookup_named |> NamedDecl.get_value in traverse_object accu body (VarRef id) | Const (kn, _) -> let body () = Option.map pi1 (Global.body_of_constant_body Library.indirect_accessor (lookup_constant kn)) in traverse_object accu body (ConstRef kn) | Ind ((mind, _) as ind, _) -> traverse_inductive accu mind (IndRef ind) | Construct (((mind, _), _) as cst, _) -> traverse_inductive accu mind (ConstructRef cst) | Meta _ | Evar _ -> assert false | Case (_,oty,c,[||]) -> (* non dependent match on an inductive with no constructors *) begin match Constr.(kind oty, kind c) with | Lambda(_,_,oty), Const (kn, _) when Vars.noccurn 1 oty && not (Declareops.constant_has_body (lookup_constant kn)) -> let body () = Option.map pi1 (Global.body_of_constant_body Library.indirect_accessor (lookup_constant kn)) in traverse_object ~inhabits:(current,ctx,Vars.subst1 mkProp oty) accu body (ConstRef kn) | _ -> Constr.fold_with_full_binders Context.Rel.add (traverse current) ctx accu t end | _ -> Constr.fold_with_full_binders Context.Rel.add (traverse current) ctx accu t and traverse_object ?inhabits (curr, data, ax2ty) body obj = let data, ax2ty = let already_in = GlobRef.Map_env.mem obj data in match body () with | None -> let data = if not already_in then GlobRef.Map_env.add obj GlobRef.Set_env.empty data else data in let ax2ty = if Option.is_empty inhabits then ax2ty else let ty = Option.get inhabits in try let l = GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty in GlobRef.Map_env.add obj (ty::l) ax2ty with Not_found -> GlobRef.Map_env.add obj [ty] ax2ty in data, ax2ty | Some body -> if already_in then data, ax2ty else let contents,data,ax2ty = traverse (label_of obj) Context.Rel.empty (GlobRef.Set_env.empty,data,ax2ty) body in GlobRef.Map_env.add obj contents data, ax2ty in (GlobRef.Set_env.add obj curr, data, ax2ty) (** Collects the references occurring in the declaration of mutual inductive definitions. All the constructors and names of a mutual inductive definition share exactly the same dependencies. Also, there is no explicit dependency between mutually defined inductives and constructors. *) and traverse_inductive (curr, data, ax2ty) mind obj = let firstind_ref = (GlobRef.IndRef (mind, 0)) in let label = label_of obj in let data, ax2ty = (* Invariant : I_0 \in data iff I_i \in data iff c_ij \in data where I_0, I_1, ... are in the same mutual definition and c_ij are all their constructors. *) if GlobRef.Map_env.mem firstind_ref data then data, ax2ty else let mib = lookup_mind mind in (* Collects references of parameters *) let param_ctx = mib.mind_params_ctxt in let nparam = List.length param_ctx in let accu = traverse_context label Context.Rel.empty (GlobRef.Set_env.empty, data, ax2ty) param_ctx in (* Build the context of all arities *) let arities_ctx = let global_env = Global.env () in Array.fold_left (fun accu oib -> let pspecif = Univ.in_punivs (mib, oib) in let ind_type = Inductive.type_of_inductive global_env pspecif in let indr = oib.mind_relevance in let ind_name = Name oib.mind_typename in Context.Rel.add (Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum (make_annot ind_name indr, ind_type)) accu) Context.Rel.empty mib.mind_packets in (* For each inductive, collects references in their arity and in the type of constructors*) let (contents, data, ax2ty) = Array.fold_left (fun accu oib -> let arity_wo_param = List.rev (List.skipn nparam (List.rev oib.mind_arity_ctxt)) in let accu = traverse_context label param_ctx accu arity_wo_param in Array.fold_left (fun accu cst_typ -> let param_ctx, cst_typ_wo_param = Term.decompose_prod_n_assum nparam cst_typ in let ctx = Context.(Rel.fold_outside Context.Rel.add ~init:arities_ctx param_ctx) in traverse label ctx accu cst_typ_wo_param) accu oib.mind_user_lc) accu mib.mind_packets in (* Maps all these dependencies to inductives and constructors*) let data = Array.fold_left_i (fun n data oib -> let ind = (mind, n) in let data = GlobRef.Map_env.add (GlobRef.IndRef ind) contents data in Array.fold_left_i (fun k data _ -> GlobRef.Map_env.add (GlobRef.ConstructRef (ind, k+1)) contents data ) data oib.mind_consnames) data mib.mind_packets in data, ax2ty in (GlobRef.Set_env.add obj curr, data, ax2ty) (** Collects references in a rel_context. *) and traverse_context current ctx accu ctxt = snd (Context.Rel.fold_outside (fun decl (ctx, accu) -> match decl with | Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalDef (_,c,t) -> let accu = traverse current ctx (traverse current ctx accu t) c in let ctx = Context.Rel.add decl ctx in ctx, accu | Context.Rel.Declaration.LocalAssum (_,t) -> let accu = traverse current ctx accu t in let ctx = Context.Rel.add decl ctx in ctx, accu) ctxt ~init:(ctx, accu)) let traverse current t = let () = modcache := MPmap.empty in traverse current Context.Rel.empty (GlobRef.Set_env.empty, GlobRef.Map_env.empty, GlobRef.Map_env.empty) t (** Hopefully bullet-proof function to recover the type of a constant. It just ignores all the universe stuff. There are many issues that can arise when considering terms out of any valid environment, so use with caution. *) let type_of_constant cb = cb.Declarations.const_type let assumptions ?(add_opaque=false) ?(add_transparent=false) st gr t = (* Only keep the transitive dependencies *) let (_, graph, ax2ty) = traverse (label_of gr) t in let open GlobRef in let fold obj _ accu = match obj with | VarRef id -> let decl = Global.lookup_named id in if is_local_assum decl then let t = Context.Named.Declaration.get_type decl in ContextObjectMap.add (Variable id) t accu else accu | ConstRef kn -> let cb = lookup_constant kn in let accu = if cb.const_typing_flags.check_guarded then accu else let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (Guarded obj, l)) Constr.mkProp accu in let accu = if cb.const_typing_flags.check_universes then accu else let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (TypeInType obj, l)) Constr.mkProp accu in if not (Declareops.constant_has_body cb) then let t = type_of_constant cb in let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (Constant kn,l)) t accu else if add_opaque && (Declareops.is_opaque cb || not (TransparentState.is_transparent_constant st kn)) then let t = type_of_constant cb in ContextObjectMap.add (Opaque kn) t accu else if add_transparent then let t = type_of_constant cb in ContextObjectMap.add (Transparent kn) t accu else accu | IndRef (m,_) | ConstructRef ((m,_),_) -> let mind = lookup_mind m in let accu = if mind.mind_typing_flags.check_positive then accu else let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (Positive m, l)) Constr.mkProp accu in let accu = if mind.mind_typing_flags.check_guarded then accu else let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (Guarded obj, l)) Constr.mkProp accu in let accu = if mind.mind_typing_flags.check_universes then accu else let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (TypeInType obj, l)) Constr.mkProp accu in if not mind.mind_typing_flags.check_template then let l = try GlobRef.Map_env.find obj ax2ty with Not_found -> [] in ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom (TemplatePolymorphic m, l)) Constr.mkProp accu else accu in GlobRef.Map_env.fold fold graph ContextObjectMap.empty