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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Pp open CErrors open Util open Evd open Logic type tactic = Proofview.V82.tac module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration let sig_it x = x.it let project x = x.sigma (* Getting env *) let pf_env gls = Global.env_of_context (Goal.V82.hyps (project gls) (sig_it gls)) let pf_hyps gls = EConstr.named_context_of_val (Goal.V82.hyps (project gls) (sig_it gls)) let refiner ~check pr goal_sigma = let (sgl,sigma') = prim_refiner ~check pr goal_sigma.sigma goal_sigma.it in { it = sgl; sigma = sigma'; } (* Profiling refiner *) let refiner ~check = if Flags.profile then let refiner_key = CProfile.declare_profile "refiner" in CProfile.profile2 refiner_key (refiner ~check) else refiner ~check (*********************) (* Tacticals *) (*********************) let unpackage glsig = (ref (glsig.sigma)), glsig.it let repackage r v = {it = v; sigma = !r; } let apply_sig_tac r tac g = Control.check_for_interrupt (); (* Breakpoint *) let glsigma = tac (repackage r g) in r := glsigma.sigma; glsigma.it (* [goal_goal_list : goal sigma -> goal list sigma] *) let goal_goal_list gls = {it=[gls.it]; sigma=gls.sigma; } (* identity tactic without any message *) let tclIDTAC gls = goal_goal_list gls (* the message printing identity tactic *) let tclIDTAC_MESSAGE s gls = Feedback.msg_info (hov 0 s); tclIDTAC gls (* General failure tactic *) let tclFAIL_s s gls = user_err ~hdr:"Refiner.tclFAIL_s" (str s) (* A special exception for levels for the Fail tactic *) exception FailError of int * Pp.t Lazy.t (* The Fail tactic *) let tclFAIL lvl s g = raise (FailError (lvl,lazy s)) let tclFAIL_lazy lvl s g = raise (FailError (lvl,s)) let start_tac gls = let sigr, g = unpackage gls in (sigr, [g]) let finish_tac (sigr,gl) = repackage sigr gl (* Apply [tacfi.(i)] on the first n subgoals, [tacli.(i)] on the last m subgoals, and [tac] on the others *) let thens3parts_tac tacfi tac tacli (sigr,gs) = let nf = Array.length tacfi in let nl = Array.length tacli in let ng = List.length gs in if ng<nf+nl then user_err ~hdr:"Refiner.thensn_tac" (str "Not enough subgoals."); let gll = (List.map_i (fun i -> apply_sig_tac sigr (if i<nf then tacfi.(i) else if i>=ng-nl then tacli.(nl-ng+i) else tac)) 0 gs) in (sigr,List.flatten gll) (* Apply [taci.(i)] on the first n subgoals and [tac] on the others *) let thensf_tac taci tac = thens3parts_tac taci tac [||] (* Apply [tac i] on the ith subgoal (no subgoals number check) *) let thensi_tac tac (sigr,gs) = let gll = List.map_i (fun i -> apply_sig_tac sigr (tac i)) 1 gs in (sigr, List.flatten gll) let then_tac tac = thensf_tac [||] tac (* [tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 [|t1 ; ... ; tn|] tac2 [|t'1 ; ... ; t'm|] gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] then, applies [t1], ..., [tn] to the first [n] resulting subgoals, [t'1], ..., [t'm] to the last [m] subgoals and [tac2] to the rest of the subgoals in the middle. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals is strictly less than [n+m] *) let tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 tacfi tac tacli gls = finish_tac (thens3parts_tac tacfi tac tacli (then_tac tac1 (start_tac gls))) (* [tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 [|t1 ; ... ; tn|] tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [t1], ..., [tn] to the first [n] resulting subgoals, and [tac2] to the others subgoals. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals is strictly less than [n] *) let tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 taci tac = tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 taci tac [||] (* [tclTHENSLASTn tac1 tac2 [|t1 ;...; tn|] gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [t1], ..., [tn] to the last [n] resulting subgoals, and [tac2] to the other subgoals. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals is strictly less than [n] *) let tclTHENSLASTn tac1 tac taci = tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 [||] tac taci (* [tclTHEN_i tac taci gls] applies the tactic [tac] to [gls] and applies [(taci i)] to the i_th resulting subgoal (starting from 1), whatever the number of subgoals is *) let tclTHEN_i tac taci gls = finish_tac (thensi_tac taci (then_tac tac (start_tac gls))) (* [tclTHEN tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [tac2] to every resulting subgoals *) let tclTHEN tac1 tac2 = tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 [||] tac2 [||] (* [tclTHENSV tac1 [t1 ; ... ; tn] gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and applies [t1],..., [tn] to the [n] resulting subgoals. Raises an error if the number of resulting subgoals is not [n] *) let tclTHENSV tac1 tac2v = tclTHENS3PARTS tac1 tac2v (tclFAIL_s "Wrong number of tactics.") [||] let tclTHENS tac1 tac2l = tclTHENSV tac1 (Array.of_list tac2l) (* [tclTHENLAST tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and [tac2] to the last resulting subgoal *) let tclTHENLAST tac1 tac2 = tclTHENSLASTn tac1 tclIDTAC [|tac2|] (* [tclTHENFIRST tac1 tac2 gls] applies the tactic [tac1] to [gls] and [tac2] to the first resulting subgoal *) let tclTHENFIRST tac1 tac2 = tclTHENSFIRSTn tac1 [|tac2|] tclIDTAC (* [tclTHENLIST [t1;..;tn]] applies [t1] then [t2] ... then [tn]. More convenient than [tclTHEN] when [n] is large. *) let rec tclTHENLIST = function [] -> tclIDTAC | t1::tacl -> tclTHEN t1 (tclTHENLIST tacl) (* [tclMAP f [x1..xn]] builds [(f x1);(f x2);...(f xn)] *) let tclMAP tacfun l = List.fold_right (fun x -> (tclTHEN (tacfun x))) l tclIDTAC (* PROGRESS tac ptree applies tac to the goal ptree and fails if tac leaves the goal unchanged *) let tclPROGRESS tac ptree = let rslt = tac ptree in if Goal.V82.progress rslt ptree then rslt else user_err ~hdr:"Refiner.PROGRESS" (str"Failed to progress.") (* Execute tac, show the names of new hypothesis names created by tac in the "as" format and then forget everything. From the logical point of view [tclSHOWHYPS tac] is therefore equivalent to idtac, except that it takes the time and memory of tac and prints "as" information). The resulting (unchanged) goals are printed *after* the as-expression, which forces pg to some gymnastic. TODO: Have something similar (better?) in the xml protocol. NOTE: some tactics delete hypothesis and reuse names (induction, destruct), this is not detected by this tactical. *) let tclSHOWHYPS (tac : tactic) (goal: Goal.goal Evd.sigma) : Goal.goal list Evd.sigma = let oldhyps = pf_hyps goal in let rslt:Goal.goal list Evd.sigma = tac goal in let { it = gls; sigma = sigma; } = rslt in let hyps = List.map (fun gl -> pf_hyps { it = gl; sigma=sigma; }) gls in let cmp d1 d2 = Names.Id.equal (NamedDecl.get_id d1) (NamedDecl.get_id d2) in let newhyps = List.map (fun hypl -> List.subtract cmp hypl oldhyps) hyps in let s = let frst = ref true in List.fold_left (fun acc lh -> acc ^ (if !frst then (frst:=false;"") else " | ") ^ (List.fold_left (fun acc d -> (Names.Id.to_string (NamedDecl.get_id d)) ^ " " ^ acc) "" lh)) "" newhyps in Feedback.msg_notice (str "<infoH>" ++ (hov 0 (str s)) ++ (str "</infoH>")); tclIDTAC goal;; let catch_failerror (e, info) = if catchable_exception e then Control.check_for_interrupt () else match e with | FailError (0,_) -> Control.check_for_interrupt () | FailError (lvl,s) -> iraise (FailError (lvl - 1, s), info) | e -> iraise (e, info) (** FIXME: do we need to add a [Errors.push] here? *) (* ORELSE0 t1 t2 tries to apply t1 and if it fails, applies t2 *) let tclORELSE0 t1 t2 g = try t1 g with (* Breakpoint *) | e when CErrors.noncritical e -> let e = CErrors.push e in catch_failerror e; t2 g (* ORELSE t1 t2 tries to apply t1 and if it fails or does not progress, then applies t2 *) let tclORELSE t1 t2 = tclORELSE0 (tclPROGRESS t1) t2 (* applies t1;t2then if t1 succeeds or t2else if t1 fails t2* are called in terminal position (unless t1 produces more than 1 subgoal!) *) let tclORELSE_THEN t1 t2then t2else gls = match try Some(tclPROGRESS t1 gls) with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> let e = CErrors.push e in catch_failerror e; None with | None -> t2else gls | Some sgl -> let sigr, gl = unpackage sgl in finish_tac (then_tac t2then (sigr,gl)) (* TRY f tries to apply f, and if it fails, leave the goal unchanged *) let tclTRY f = (tclORELSE0 f tclIDTAC) let tclTHENTRY f g = (tclTHEN f (tclTRY g)) (* Try the first tactic that does not fail in a list of tactics *) let rec tclFIRST = function | [] -> tclFAIL_s "No applicable tactic." | t::rest -> tclORELSE0 t (tclFIRST rest) (* Fails if a tactic did not solve the goal *) let tclCOMPLETE tac = tclTHEN tac (tclFAIL_s "Proof is not complete.") (* Iteration tacticals *) let tclDO n t = let rec dorec k = if k < 0 then user_err ~hdr:"Refiner.tclDO" (str"Wrong argument : Do needs a positive integer."); if Int.equal k 0 then tclIDTAC else if Int.equal k 1 then t else (tclTHEN t (dorec (k-1))) in dorec n (* Beware: call by need of CAML, g is needed *) let rec tclREPEAT t g = tclORELSE_THEN t (tclREPEAT t) tclIDTAC g let tclAT_LEAST_ONCE t = (tclTHEN t (tclREPEAT t)) (* Change evars *) let tclEVARS sigma gls = tclIDTAC {gls with sigma=sigma} let tclPUSHEVARUNIVCONTEXT ctx gl = tclEVARS (Evd.merge_universe_context (project gl) ctx) gl