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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) (* Created by Amokrane Saïbi, Dec 1998 *) (* Addition of products and sorts in canonical structures by Pierre Corbineau, Feb 2008 *) (* This file registers properties of records: projections and canonical structures *) open CErrors open Util open Pp open Names open Globnames open Constr open Mod_subst open Reductionops (*s A structure S is a non recursive inductive type with a single constructor (the name of which defaults to Build_S) *) (* Table of structures. It maps to each structure name (of type [inductive]): - the name of its constructor; - the number of parameters; - for each true argument, some data about the corresponding projection: * its name (may be anonymous); * whether it is a true projection (as opposed to a constant function, LetIn); * whether it should be used as a canonical hint; * the constant realizing this projection (if any). *) type proj_kind = { pk_name: Name.t; pk_true_proj: bool; pk_canonical: bool; } type struc_typ = { s_CONST : constructor; s_EXPECTEDPARAM : int; s_PROJKIND : proj_kind list; s_PROJ : Constant.t option list } let structure_table = Summary.ref (Indmap.empty : struc_typ Indmap.t) ~name:"record-structs" let projection_table = Summary.ref (Cmap.empty : struc_typ Cmap.t) ~name:"record-projs" (* TODO: could be unify struc_typ and struc_tuple ? *) type struc_tuple = constructor * proj_kind list * Constant.t option list let register_structure env (id,kl,projs) = let open Declarations in let ind = fst id in let mib, mip = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in let n = mib.mind_nparams in let struc = { s_CONST = id; s_EXPECTEDPARAM = n; s_PROJ = projs; s_PROJKIND = kl } in structure_table := Indmap.add ind struc !structure_table; projection_table := List.fold_right (Option.fold_right (fun proj -> Cmap.add proj struc)) projs !projection_table let subst_structure subst (id, kl, projs as obj) = let projs' = (* invariant: struc.s_PROJ is an evaluable reference. Thus we can take *) (* the first component of subst_con. *) List.Smart.map (Option.Smart.map (subst_constant subst)) projs in let id' = subst_constructor subst id in if projs' == projs && id' == id then obj else (id',kl,projs') let lookup_structure indsp = Indmap.find indsp !structure_table let lookup_projections indsp = (lookup_structure indsp).s_PROJ let find_projection_nparams = function | GlobRef.ConstRef cst -> (Cmap.find cst !projection_table).s_EXPECTEDPARAM | _ -> raise Not_found let find_projection = function | GlobRef.ConstRef cst -> Cmap.find cst !projection_table | _ -> raise Not_found let is_projection cst = Cmap.mem cst !projection_table let prim_table = Summary.ref (Cmap_env.empty : Projection.Repr.t Cmap_env.t) ~name:"record-prim-projs" let register_primitive_projection p c = prim_table := Cmap_env.add c p !prim_table let is_primitive_projection c = Cmap_env.mem c !prim_table let find_primitive_projection c = try Some (Cmap_env.find c !prim_table) with Not_found -> None (************************************************************************) (*s A canonical structure declares "canonical" conversion hints between *) (* the effective components of a structure and the projections of the *) (* structure *) (* Table des definitions "object" : pour chaque object c, c := [x1:B1]...[xk:Bk](Build_R a1...am t1...t_n) If ti has the form (ci ui1...uir) where ci is a global reference (or a sort, or a product or a reference to a parameter) and if the corresponding projection Li of the structure R is defined, one declares a "conversion" between ci and Li. x1:B1..xk:Bk |- (Li a1..am (c x1..xk)) =_conv (ci ui1...uir) that maps the pair (Li,ci) to the following data o_DEF = c o_TABS = B1...Bk o_INJ = Some n (when ci is a reference to the parameter xi) o_PARAMS = a1...am o_NARAMS = m o_TCOMP = ui1...uir *) type obj_typ = { o_DEF : constr; o_CTX : Univ.AUContext.t; o_INJ : int option; (* position of trivial argument if any *) o_TABS : constr list; (* ordered *) o_TPARAMS : constr list; (* ordered *) o_NPARAMS : int; o_TCOMPS : constr list } (* ordered *) type cs_pattern = Const_cs of GlobRef.t | Prod_cs | Sort_cs of Sorts.family | Default_cs let eq_cs_pattern p1 p2 = match p1, p2 with | Const_cs gr1, Const_cs gr2 -> GlobRef.equal gr1 gr2 | Prod_cs, Prod_cs -> true | Sort_cs s1, Sort_cs s2 -> Sorts.family_equal s1 s2 | Default_cs, Default_cs -> true | _ -> false let rec assoc_pat a = function | ((pat, t), e) :: xs -> if eq_cs_pattern pat a then (t, e) else assoc_pat a xs | [] -> raise Not_found let object_table = Summary.ref (GlobRef.Map.empty : ((cs_pattern * constr) * obj_typ) list GlobRef.Map.t) ~name:"record-canonical-structs" let canonical_projections () = GlobRef.Map.fold (fun x -> List.fold_right (fun ((y,_),c) acc -> ((x,y),c)::acc)) !object_table [] let keep_true_projections projs kinds = let filter (p, { pk_true_proj ; pk_canonical }) = if pk_true_proj then Some (p, pk_canonical) else None in List.map_filter filter (List.combine projs kinds) let rec cs_pattern_of_constr env t = match kind t with | App (f,vargs) -> let patt, n, args = cs_pattern_of_constr env f in patt, n, args @ Array.to_list vargs | Rel n -> Default_cs, Some n, [] | Prod (_,a,b) when Vars.noccurn 1 b -> Prod_cs, None, [a; Vars.lift (-1) b] | Proj (p, c) -> let { Environ.uj_type = ty } = Typeops.infer env c in let _, params = Inductive.find_rectype env ty in Const_cs (GlobRef.ConstRef (Projection.constant p)), None, params @ [c] | Sort s -> Sort_cs (Sorts.family s), None, [] | _ -> Const_cs (global_of_constr t) , None, [] let warn_projection_no_head_constant = CWarnings.create ~name:"projection-no-head-constant" ~category:"typechecker" (fun (sign,env,t,con,proji_sp) -> let env = Termops.push_rels_assum sign env in let con_pp = Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty (GlobRef.ConstRef con) in let proji_sp_pp = Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty (GlobRef.ConstRef proji_sp) in let term_pp = Termops.Internal.print_constr_env env (Evd.from_env env) (EConstr.of_constr t) in strbrk "Projection value has no head constant: " ++ term_pp ++ strbrk " in canonical instance " ++ con_pp ++ str " of " ++ proji_sp_pp ++ strbrk ", ignoring it.") (* Intended to always succeed *) let compute_canonical_projections env ~warn (con,ind) = let o_CTX = Environ.constant_context env con in let u = Univ.make_abstract_instance o_CTX in let o_DEF = mkConstU (con, u) in let c = Environ.constant_value_in env (con,u) in let sign,t = Reductionops.splay_lam env (Evd.from_env env) (EConstr.of_constr c) in let sign = List.map (on_snd EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr) sign in let t = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr t in let o_TABS = List.rev_map snd sign in let args = snd (decompose_app t) in let { s_EXPECTEDPARAM = p; s_PROJ = lpj; s_PROJKIND = kl } = lookup_structure ind in let o_TPARAMS, projs = List.chop p args in let o_NPARAMS = List.length o_TPARAMS in let lpj = keep_true_projections lpj kl in let nenv = Termops.push_rels_assum sign env in List.fold_left2 (fun acc (spopt, canonical) t -> if canonical then Option.cata (fun proji_sp -> match cs_pattern_of_constr nenv t with | patt, o_INJ, o_TCOMPS -> ((GlobRef.ConstRef proji_sp, (patt, t)), { o_DEF ; o_CTX ; o_INJ ; o_TABS ; o_TPARAMS ; o_NPARAMS ; o_TCOMPS }) :: acc | exception Not_found -> if warn then warn_projection_no_head_constant (sign, env, t, con, proji_sp); acc ) acc spopt else acc ) [] lpj projs let pr_cs_pattern = function Const_cs c -> Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty c | Prod_cs -> str "_ -> _" | Default_cs -> str "_" | Sort_cs s -> Sorts.pr_sort_family s let warn_redundant_canonical_projection = CWarnings.create ~name:"redundant-canonical-projection" ~category:"typechecker" (fun (hd_val,prj,new_can_s,old_can_s) -> strbrk "Ignoring canonical projection to " ++ hd_val ++ strbrk " by " ++ prj ++ strbrk " in " ++ new_can_s ++ strbrk ": redundant with " ++ old_can_s) let register_canonical_structure ~warn env sigma o = compute_canonical_projections env ~warn o |> List.iter (fun ((proj, (cs_pat, _ as pat)), s) -> let l = try GlobRef.Map.find proj !object_table with Not_found -> [] in match assoc_pat cs_pat l with | exception Not_found -> object_table := GlobRef.Map.add proj ((pat, s) :: l) !object_table | _, cs -> if warn then let old_can_s = Termops.Internal.print_constr_env env sigma (EConstr.of_constr cs.o_DEF) in let new_can_s = Termops.Internal.print_constr_env env sigma (EConstr.of_constr s.o_DEF) in let prj = Nametab.pr_global_env Id.Set.empty proj in let hd_val = pr_cs_pattern cs_pat in warn_redundant_canonical_projection (hd_val, prj, new_can_s, old_can_s) ) let subst_canonical_structure subst (cst,ind as obj) = (* invariant: cst is an evaluable reference. Thus we can take *) (* the first component of subst_con. *) let cst' = subst_constant subst cst in let ind' = subst_ind subst ind in if cst' == cst && ind' == ind then obj else (cst',ind') (*s High-level declaration of a canonical structure *) let error_not_structure ref description = user_err ~hdr:"object_declare" (str"Could not declare a canonical structure " ++ (Id.print (Nametab.basename_of_global ref) ++ str"." ++ spc() ++ description)) let check_and_decompose_canonical_structure env sigma ref = let sp = match ref with GlobRef.ConstRef sp -> sp | _ -> error_not_structure ref (str "Expected an instance of a record or structure.") in let u = Univ.make_abstract_instance (Environ.constant_context env sp) in let vc = match Environ.constant_opt_value_in env (sp, u) with | Some vc -> vc | None -> error_not_structure ref (str "Could not find its value in the global environment.") in let body = snd (splay_lam env sigma (EConstr.of_constr vc)) in let body = EConstr.Unsafe.to_constr body in let f,args = match kind body with | App (f,args) -> f,args | _ -> error_not_structure ref (str "Expected a record or structure constructor applied to arguments.") in let indsp = match kind f with | Construct ((indsp,1),u) -> indsp | _ -> error_not_structure ref (str "Expected an instance of a record or structure.") in let s = try lookup_structure indsp with Not_found -> error_not_structure ref (str "Could not find the record or structure " ++ Termops.Internal.print_constr_env env sigma (EConstr.mkInd indsp)) in let ntrue_projs = List.count (fun { pk_true_proj } -> pk_true_proj) s.s_PROJKIND in if s.s_EXPECTEDPARAM + ntrue_projs > Array.length args then error_not_structure ref (str "Got too few arguments to the record or structure constructor."); (sp,indsp) let lookup_canonical_conversion (proj,pat) = assoc_pat pat (GlobRef.Map.find proj !object_table) let decompose_projection sigma c args = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Const (c, u) -> let n = find_projection_nparams (GlobRef.ConstRef c) in (* Check if there is some canonical projection attached to this structure *) let _ = GlobRef.Map.find (GlobRef.ConstRef c) !object_table in let arg = Stack.nth args n in arg | Proj (p, c) -> let _ = GlobRef.Map.find (GlobRef.ConstRef (Projection.constant p)) !object_table in c | _ -> raise Not_found let is_open_canonical_projection env sigma (c,args) = let open EConstr in try let arg = decompose_projection sigma c args in try let arg = whd_all env sigma arg in let hd = match EConstr.kind sigma arg with App (hd, _) -> hd | _ -> arg in not (isConstruct sigma hd) with Failure _ -> false with Not_found -> false