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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Loc open Names open Constrexpr open Libnames open Genredexpr open Genarg open Pattern open Tactypes open Locus type ltac_constant = KerName.t type direction_flag = bool (* true = Left-to-right false = right-to-right *) type lazy_flag = | General (* returns all possible successes *) | Select (* returns all successes of the first matching branch *) | Once (* returns the first success in a matching branch (not necessarily the first) *) type global_flag = (* [gfail] or [fail] *) | TacGlobal | TacLocal type evars_flag = bool (* true = pose evars false = fail on evars *) type rec_flag = bool (* true = recursive false = not recursive *) type advanced_flag = bool (* true = advanced false = basic *) type letin_flag = bool (* true = use local def false = use Leibniz *) type clear_flag = bool option (* true = clear hyp, false = keep hyp, None = use default *) type check_flag = bool (* true = check false = do not check *) type ('c,'d,'id) inversion_strength = | NonDepInversion of Inv.inversion_kind * 'id list * 'd or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t or_var option | DepInversion of Inv.inversion_kind * 'c option * 'd or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t or_var option | InversionUsing of 'c * 'id list type ('a,'b) location = HypLocation of 'a | ConclLocation of 'b type 'id message_token = | MsgString of string | MsgInt of int | MsgIdent of 'id type ('dconstr,'id) induction_clause = 'dconstr with_bindings Tactics.destruction_arg * (Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t option (* eqn:... *) * 'dconstr or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t or_var option) (* as ... *) * 'id clause_expr option (* in ... *) type ('constr,'dconstr,'id) induction_clause_list = ('dconstr,'id) induction_clause list * 'constr with_bindings option (* using ... *) type 'a with_bindings_arg = clear_flag * 'a with_bindings (* Type of patterns *) type 'a match_pattern = | Term of 'a | Subterm of Id.t option * 'a (* Type of hypotheses for a Match Context rule *) type 'a match_context_hyps = | Hyp of lname * 'a match_pattern | Def of lname * 'a match_pattern * 'a match_pattern (* Type of a Match rule for Match Context and Match *) type ('a,'t) match_rule = | Pat of 'a match_context_hyps list * 'a match_pattern * 't | All of 't (** Extension indentifiers for the TACTIC EXTEND mechanism. *) type ml_tactic_name = { mltac_plugin : string; (** Name of the plugin where the tactic is defined, typically coming from a DECLARE PLUGIN statement in the source. *) mltac_tactic : string; (** Name of the tactic entry where the tactic is defined, typically found after the TACTIC EXTEND statement in the source. *) } type ml_tactic_entry = { mltac_name : ml_tactic_name; mltac_index : int; } (** Composite types *) type open_constr_expr = unit * constr_expr type open_glob_constr = unit * Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr type intro_pattern = delayed_open_constr intro_pattern_expr CAst.t type intro_patterns = delayed_open_constr intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list type or_and_intro_pattern = delayed_open_constr or_and_intro_pattern_expr CAst.t type intro_pattern_naming = Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t (** Generic expressions for atomic tactics *) type 'a gen_atomic_tactic_expr = (* Basic tactics *) | TacIntroPattern of evars_flag * 'dtrm intro_pattern_expr CAst.t list | TacApply of advanced_flag * evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg list * ('nam * 'dtrm intro_pattern_expr CAst.t option) option | TacElim of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg * 'trm with_bindings option | TacCase of evars_flag * 'trm with_bindings_arg | TacMutualFix of Id.t * int * (Id.t * int * 'trm) list | TacMutualCofix of Id.t * (Id.t * 'trm) list | TacAssert of evars_flag * bool * 'tacexpr option option * 'dtrm intro_pattern_expr CAst.t option * 'trm | TacGeneralize of ('trm with_occurrences * Name.t) list | TacLetTac of evars_flag * Name.t * 'trm * 'nam clause_expr * letin_flag * Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr CAst.t option (* Derived basic tactics *) | TacInductionDestruct of rec_flag * evars_flag * ('trm,'dtrm,'nam) induction_clause_list (* Conversion *) | TacReduce of ('trm,'cst,'pat) red_expr_gen * 'nam clause_expr | TacChange of check_flag * 'pat option * 'dtrm * 'nam clause_expr (* Equality and inversion *) | TacRewrite of evars_flag * (bool * Equality.multi * 'dtrm with_bindings_arg) list * 'nam clause_expr * (* spiwack: using ['dtrm] here is a small hack, may not be stable by a change in the representation of delayed terms. Because, in fact, it is the whole "with_bindings" which is delayed. But because the "t" level for ['dtrm] is uninterpreted, it works fine here too, and avoid more disruption of this file. *) 'tacexpr option | TacInversion of ('trm,'dtrm,'nam) inversion_strength * quantified_hypothesis constraint 'a = < term:'trm; dterm: 'dtrm; pattern:'pat; constant:'cst; reference:'ref; name:'nam; tacexpr:'tacexpr; level:'lev > (** Possible arguments of a tactic definition *) type 'a gen_tactic_arg = | TacGeneric of 'lev generic_argument | ConstrMayEval of ('trm,'cst,'pat) may_eval | Reference of 'ref | TacCall of ('ref * 'a gen_tactic_arg list) CAst.t | TacFreshId of string or_var list | Tacexp of 'tacexpr | TacPretype of 'trm | TacNumgoals constraint 'a = < term:'trm; dterm: 'dtrm; pattern:'pat; constant:'cst; reference:'ref; name:'nam; tacexpr:'tacexpr; level:'lev > (** Generic ltac expressions. 't : terms, 'p : patterns, 'c : constants, 'i : inductive, 'r : ltac refs, 'n : idents, 'l : levels *) and 'a gen_tactic_expr = | TacAtom of ('a gen_atomic_tactic_expr) CAst.t | TacThen of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacDispatch of 'a gen_tactic_expr list | TacExtendTac of 'a gen_tactic_expr array * 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr array | TacThens of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr list | TacThens3parts of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr array * 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr array | TacFirst of 'a gen_tactic_expr list | TacComplete of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacSolve of 'a gen_tactic_expr list | TacTry of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacOr of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacOnce of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacExactlyOnce of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacIfThenCatch of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacOrelse of 'a gen_tactic_expr * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacDo of int or_var * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacTimeout of int or_var * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacTime of string option * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacRepeat of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacProgress of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacShowHyps of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacAbstract of 'a gen_tactic_expr * Id.t option | TacId of 'n message_token list | TacFail of global_flag * int or_var * 'n message_token list | TacInfo of 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacLetIn of rec_flag * (lname * 'a gen_tactic_arg) list * 'a gen_tactic_expr | TacMatch of lazy_flag * 'a gen_tactic_expr * ('p,'a gen_tactic_expr) match_rule list | TacMatchGoal of lazy_flag * direction_flag * ('p,'a gen_tactic_expr) match_rule list | TacFun of 'a gen_tactic_fun_ast | TacArg of 'a gen_tactic_arg CAst.t | TacSelect of Goal_select.t * 'a gen_tactic_expr (* For ML extensions *) | TacML of (ml_tactic_entry * 'a gen_tactic_arg list) CAst.t (* For syntax extensions *) | TacAlias of (KerName.t * 'a gen_tactic_arg list) CAst.t constraint 'a = < term:'t; dterm: 'dtrm; pattern:'p; constant:'c; reference:'r; name:'n; tacexpr:'tacexpr; level:'l > and 'a gen_tactic_fun_ast = Name.t list * 'a gen_tactic_expr constraint 'a = < term:'t; dterm: 'dtrm; pattern:'p; constant:'c; reference:'r; name:'n; tacexpr:'te; level:'l > (** Globalized tactics *) type g_trm = Genintern.glob_constr_and_expr type g_pat = Genintern.glob_constr_pattern_and_expr type g_cst = evaluable_global_reference Genredexpr.and_short_name or_var type g_ref = ltac_constant located or_var type g_nam = lident type g_dispatch = < term:g_trm; dterm:g_trm; pattern:g_pat; constant:g_cst; reference:g_ref; name:g_nam; tacexpr:glob_tactic_expr; level:glevel > and glob_tactic_expr = g_dispatch gen_tactic_expr type glob_atomic_tactic_expr = g_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr type glob_tactic_arg = g_dispatch gen_tactic_arg (** Raw tactics *) type r_ref = qualid type r_nam = lident type r_lev = rlevel type r_dispatch = < term:r_trm; dterm:r_trm; pattern:r_pat; constant:r_cst; reference:r_ref; name:r_nam; tacexpr:raw_tactic_expr; level:rlevel > and raw_tactic_expr = r_dispatch gen_tactic_expr type raw_atomic_tactic_expr = r_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr type raw_tactic_arg = r_dispatch gen_tactic_arg (** Interpreted tactics *) type t_trm = EConstr.constr type t_pat = constr_pattern type t_cst = evaluable_global_reference type t_ref = ltac_constant located type t_nam = Id.t type t_dispatch = < term:t_trm; dterm:g_trm; pattern:t_pat; constant:t_cst; reference:t_ref; name:t_nam; tacexpr:unit; level:tlevel > type atomic_tactic_expr = t_dispatch gen_atomic_tactic_expr (** Misc *) type raw_red_expr = (r_trm, r_cst, r_pat) red_expr_gen type glob_red_expr = (g_trm, g_cst, g_pat) red_expr_gen (** Traces *) type ltac_call_kind = | LtacMLCall of glob_tactic_expr | LtacNotationCall of KerName.t | LtacNameCall of ltac_constant | LtacAtomCall of glob_atomic_tactic_expr | LtacVarCall of Id.t * glob_tactic_expr | LtacConstrInterp of Glob_term.glob_constr * Ltac_pretype.ltac_var_map type ltac_trace = ltac_call_kind Loc.located list type tacdef_body = | TacticDefinition of lident * raw_tactic_expr (* indicates that user employed ':=' in Ltac body *) | TacticRedefinition of qualid * raw_tactic_expr (* indicates that user employed '::=' in Ltac body *)