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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Pp open CErrors open Util open Notation open Notation_gram (* Uninterpreted notation levels *) let notation_level_map = Summary.ref ~name:"notation_level_map" NotationMap.empty let declare_notation_level ?(onlyprint=false) ntn level = try let (level,onlyprint) = NotationMap.find ntn !notation_level_map in if not onlyprint then anomaly (str "Notation " ++ pr_notation ntn ++ str " is already assigned a level.") with Not_found -> notation_level_map := NotationMap.add ntn (level,onlyprint) !notation_level_map let level_of_notation ?(onlyprint=false) ntn = let (level,onlyprint') = NotationMap.find ntn !notation_level_map in if onlyprint' && not onlyprint then raise Not_found; level (**********************************************************************) (* Equality *) open Extend let parenRelation_eq t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with | L, L | E, E | Any, Any -> true | Prec l1, Prec l2 -> Int.equal l1 l2 | _ -> false let production_position_eq pp1 pp2 = match (pp1,pp2) with | BorderProd (side1,assoc1), BorderProd (side2,assoc2) -> side1 = side2 && assoc1 = assoc2 | InternalProd, InternalProd -> true | (BorderProd _ | InternalProd), _ -> false let production_level_eq l1 l2 = match (l1,l2) with | NextLevel, NextLevel -> true | NumLevel n1, NumLevel n2 -> Int.equal n1 n2 | (NextLevel | NumLevel _), _ -> false let constr_entry_key_eq eq v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with | ETIdent, ETIdent -> true | ETGlobal, ETGlobal -> true | ETBigint, ETBigint -> true | ETBinder b1, ETBinder b2 -> b1 == b2 | ETConstr (s1,bko1,lev1), ETConstr (s2,bko2,lev2) -> notation_entry_eq s1 s2 && eq lev1 lev2 && Option.equal (=) bko1 bko2 | ETPattern (b1,n1), ETPattern (b2,n2) -> b1 = b2 && Option.equal Int.equal n1 n2 | (ETIdent | ETGlobal | ETBigint | ETBinder _ | ETConstr _ | ETPattern _), _ -> false let level_eq_gen strict (s1, l1, t1, u1) (s2, l2, t2, u2) = let tolerability_eq (i1, r1) (i2, r2) = Int.equal i1 i2 && parenRelation_eq r1 r2 in let prod_eq (l1,pp1) (l2,pp2) = not strict || (production_level_eq l1 l2 && production_position_eq pp1 pp2) in notation_entry_eq s1 s2 && Int.equal l1 l2 && List.equal tolerability_eq t1 t2 && List.equal (constr_entry_key_eq prod_eq) u1 u2 let level_eq = level_eq_gen false