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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Pp open Names module Dyn = Dyn.Make () type 'a substitutivity = Dispose | Substitute of 'a | Keep of 'a | Anticipate of 'a type object_name = Libnames.full_path * Names.KerName.t type 'a object_declaration = { object_name : string; cache_function : object_name * 'a -> unit; load_function : int -> object_name * 'a -> unit; open_function : int -> object_name * 'a -> unit; classify_function : 'a -> 'a substitutivity; subst_function : Mod_subst.substitution * 'a -> 'a; discharge_function : object_name * 'a -> 'a option; rebuild_function : 'a -> 'a } let default_object s = { object_name = s; cache_function = (fun _ -> ()); load_function = (fun _ _ -> ()); open_function = (fun _ _ -> ()); subst_function = (fun _ -> CErrors.anomaly (str "The object " ++ str s ++ str " does not know how to substitute!")); classify_function = (fun atomic_obj -> Keep atomic_obj); discharge_function = (fun _ -> None); rebuild_function = (fun x -> x)} (* The suggested object declaration is the following: declare_object { (default_object "MY OBJECT") with cache_function = fun (sp,a) -> Mytbl.add sp a} and the listed functions are only those which definitions actually differ from the default. This helps introducing new functions in objects. *) let ident_subst_function (_,a) = a type obj = Dyn.t (* persistent dynamic objects *) (** {6 Substitutive objects} - The list of bound identifiers is nonempty only if the objects are owned by a functor - Then comes either the object segment itself (for interactive modules), or a compact way to store derived objects (path to a earlier module + substitution). *) type algebraic_objects = | Objs of objects | Ref of Names.ModPath.t * Mod_subst.substitution and t = | ModuleObject of substitutive_objects | ModuleTypeObject of substitutive_objects | IncludeObject of algebraic_objects | KeepObject of objects | ExportObject of { mpl : ModPath.t list } | AtomicObject of obj and objects = (Names.Id.t * t) list and substitutive_objects = MBId.t list * algebraic_objects type dynamic_object_declaration = { dyn_cache_function : object_name * obj -> unit; dyn_load_function : int -> object_name * obj -> unit; dyn_open_function : int -> object_name * obj -> unit; dyn_subst_function : Mod_subst.substitution * obj -> obj; dyn_classify_function : obj -> obj substitutivity; dyn_discharge_function : object_name * obj -> obj option; dyn_rebuild_function : obj -> obj } let object_tag (Dyn.Dyn (t, _)) = Dyn.repr t let cache_tab = (Hashtbl.create 223 : (string,dynamic_object_declaration) Hashtbl.t) let declare_object_full odecl = let na = odecl.object_name in let (infun, outfun) = Dyn.Easy.make_dyn na in let cacher (oname,lobj) = odecl.cache_function (oname,outfun lobj) and loader i (oname,lobj) = odecl.load_function i (oname,outfun lobj) and opener i (oname,lobj) = odecl.open_function i (oname,outfun lobj) and substituter (sub,lobj) = infun (odecl.subst_function (sub,outfun lobj)) and classifier lobj = match odecl.classify_function (outfun lobj) with | Dispose -> Dispose | Substitute atomic_obj -> Substitute (infun atomic_obj) | Keep atomic_obj -> Keep (infun atomic_obj) | Anticipate (atomic_obj) -> Anticipate (infun atomic_obj) and discharge (oname,lobj) = Option.map infun (odecl.discharge_function (oname,outfun lobj)) and rebuild lobj = infun (odecl.rebuild_function (outfun lobj)) in Hashtbl.add cache_tab na { dyn_cache_function = cacher; dyn_load_function = loader; dyn_open_function = opener; dyn_subst_function = substituter; dyn_classify_function = classifier; dyn_discharge_function = discharge; dyn_rebuild_function = rebuild }; (infun,outfun) let declare_object odecl = fst (declare_object_full odecl) let declare_object_full odecl = declare_object_full odecl (* this function describes how the cache, load, open, and export functions are triggered. *) let apply_dyn_fun f lobj = let tag = object_tag lobj in let dodecl = try Hashtbl.find cache_tab tag with Not_found -> assert false in f dodecl let cache_object ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_cache_function node) lobj let load_object i ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_load_function i node) lobj let open_object i ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_open_function i node) lobj let subst_object ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_subst_function node) lobj let classify_object lobj = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_classify_function lobj) lobj let discharge_object ((_,lobj) as node) = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_discharge_function node) lobj let rebuild_object lobj = apply_dyn_fun (fun d -> d.dyn_rebuild_function lobj) lobj let dump = Dyn.dump let local_object_nodischarge s ~cache = { (default_object s) with cache_function = cache; classify_function = (fun _ -> Dispose); } let local_object s ~cache ~discharge = { (local_object_nodischarge s ~cache) with discharge_function = discharge } let global_object_nodischarge s ~cache ~subst = let import i o = if Int.equal i 1 then cache o in { (default_object s) with cache_function = cache; open_function = import; subst_function = (match subst with | None -> fun _ -> CErrors.anomaly (str "The object " ++ str s ++ str " does not know how to substitute!") | Some subst -> subst; ); classify_function = if Option.has_some subst then (fun o -> Substitute o) else (fun o -> Keep o); } let global_object s ~cache ~subst ~discharge = { (global_object_nodischarge s ~cache ~subst) with discharge_function = discharge } let superglobal_object_nodischarge s ~cache ~subst = { (default_object s) with load_function = (fun _ x -> cache x); cache_function = cache; subst_function = (match subst with | None -> fun _ -> CErrors.anomaly (str "The object " ++ str s ++ str " does not know how to substitute!") | Some subst -> subst; ); classify_function = if Option.has_some subst then (fun o -> Substitute o) else (fun o -> Keep o); } let superglobal_object s ~cache ~subst ~discharge = { (superglobal_object_nodischarge s ~cache ~subst) with discharge_function = discharge }