1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
open Util open Names open Environ open Reduction open Vm open Vmvalues open Csymtable (* Test la structure des piles *) let compare_zipper z1 z2 = match z1, z2 with | Zapp args1, Zapp args2 -> Int.equal (nargs args1) (nargs args2) | Zfix(_f1,args1), Zfix(_f2,args2) -> Int.equal (nargs args1) (nargs args2) | Zswitch _, Zswitch _ | Zproj _, Zproj _ -> true | Zapp _ , _ | Zfix _, _ | Zswitch _, _ | Zproj _, _ -> false let rec compare_stack stk1 stk2 = match stk1, stk2 with | [], [] -> true | z1::stk1, z2::stk2 -> if compare_zipper z1 z2 then compare_stack stk1 stk2 else false | _, _ -> false (* Conversion *) let conv_vect fconv vect1 vect2 cu = let n = Array.length vect1 in if Int.equal n (Array.length vect2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = 0 to n - 1 do rcu := fconv vect1.(i) vect2.(i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible let rec conv_val env pb k v1 v2 cu = if v1 == v2 then cu else conv_whd env pb k (whd_val v1) (whd_val v2) cu and conv_whd env pb k whd1 whd2 cu = (* Pp.(msg_debug (str "conv_whd(" ++ pr_whd whd1 ++ str ", " ++ pr_whd whd2 ++ str ")")) ; *) match whd1, whd2 with | Vuniv_level _ , _ | _ , Vuniv_level _ -> (** Both of these are invalid since universes are handled via ** special cases in the code. **) assert false | Vprod p1, Vprod p2 -> let cu = conv_val env CONV k (dom p1) (dom p2) cu in conv_fun env pb k (codom p1) (codom p2) cu | Vfun f1, Vfun f2 -> conv_fun env CONV k f1 f2 cu | Vfix (f1,None), Vfix (f2,None) -> conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu | Vfix (f1,Some args1), Vfix(f2,Some args2) -> if nargs args1 <> nargs args2 then raise NotConvertible else conv_arguments env k args1 args2 (conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu) | Vcofix (cf1,_,None), Vcofix (cf2,_,None) -> conv_cofix env k cf1 cf2 cu | Vcofix (cf1,_,Some args1), Vcofix (cf2,_,Some args2) -> if nargs args1 <> nargs args2 then raise NotConvertible else conv_arguments env k args1 args2 (conv_cofix env k cf1 cf2 cu) | Vconstr_const i1, Vconstr_const i2 -> if Int.equal i1 i2 then cu else raise NotConvertible | Vconstr_block b1, Vconstr_block b2 -> let tag1 = btag b1 and tag2 = btag b2 in let sz = bsize b1 in if Int.equal tag1 tag2 && Int.equal sz (bsize b2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = 0 to sz - 1 do rcu := conv_val env CONV k (bfield b1 i) (bfield b2 i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible | Vint64 i1, Vint64 i2 -> if Int64.equal i1 i2 then cu else raise NotConvertible | Vatom_stk(a1,stk1), Vatom_stk(a2,stk2) -> conv_atom env pb k a1 stk1 a2 stk2 cu | Vfun _, _ | _, Vfun _ -> (* on the fly eta expansion *) conv_val env CONV (k+1) (apply_whd k whd1) (apply_whd k whd2) cu | Vprod _, _ | Vfix _, _ | Vcofix _, _ | Vconstr_const _, _ | Vint64 _, _ | Vconstr_block _, _ | Vatom_stk _, _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_atom env pb k a1 stk1 a2 stk2 cu = (* Pp.(msg_debug (str "conv_atom(" ++ pr_atom a1 ++ str ", " ++ pr_atom a2 ++ str ")")) ; *) match a1, a2 with | Aind ((mi,_i) as ind1) , Aind ind2 -> if eq_ind ind1 ind2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then let ulen = Univ.AUContext.size (Environ.mind_context env mi) in if ulen = 0 then conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu else match stk1 , stk2 with | Zapp args1 :: stk1' , Zapp args2 :: stk2' -> assert (ulen <= nargs args1); assert (ulen <= nargs args2); let u1 = Array.init ulen (fun i -> uni_lvl_val (arg args1 i)) in let u2 = Array.init ulen (fun i -> uni_lvl_val (arg args2 i)) in let u1 = Univ.Instance.of_array u1 in let u2 = Univ.Instance.of_array u2 in let cu = convert_instances ~flex:false u1 u2 cu in conv_arguments env ~from:ulen k args1 args2 (conv_stack env k stk1' stk2' cu) | _, _ -> assert false (* Should not happen if problem is well typed *) else raise NotConvertible | Aid ik1, Aid ik2 -> if Vmvalues.eq_id_key ik1 ik2 && compare_stack stk1 stk2 then conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu else raise NotConvertible | Asort s1, Asort s2 -> sort_cmp_universes env pb s1 s2 cu | Asort _ , _ | Aind _, _ | Aid _, _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu = match stk1, stk2 with | [], [] -> cu | Zapp args1 :: stk1, Zapp args2 :: stk2 -> conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 (conv_arguments env k args1 args2 cu) | Zfix(f1,args1) :: stk1, Zfix(f2,args2) :: stk2 -> conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 (conv_arguments env k args1 args2 (conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu)) | Zswitch sw1 :: stk1, Zswitch sw2 :: stk2 -> if check_switch sw1 sw2 then let vt1,vt2 = type_of_switch sw1, type_of_switch sw2 in let rcu = ref (conv_val env CONV k vt1 vt2 cu) in let b1, b2 = branch_of_switch k sw1, branch_of_switch k sw2 in for i = 0 to Array.length b1 - 1 do rcu := conv_val env CONV (k + fst b1.(i)) (snd b1.(i)) (snd b2.(i)) !rcu done; conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 !rcu else raise NotConvertible | Zproj p1 :: stk1, Zproj p2 :: stk2 -> if Projection.Repr.equal p1 p2 then conv_stack env k stk1 stk2 cu else raise NotConvertible | [], _ | Zapp _ :: _, _ | Zfix _ :: _, _ | Zswitch _ :: _, _ | Zproj _ :: _, _ -> raise NotConvertible and conv_fun env pb k f1 f2 cu = if f1 == f2 then cu else let arity,b1,b2 = decompose_vfun2 k f1 f2 in conv_val env pb (k+arity) b1 b2 cu and conv_fix env k f1 f2 cu = if f1 == f2 then cu else if check_fix f1 f2 then let bf1, tf1 = reduce_fix k f1 in let bf2, tf2 = reduce_fix k f2 in let cu = conv_vect (conv_val env CONV k) tf1 tf2 cu in conv_vect (conv_fun env CONV (k + Array.length tf1)) bf1 bf2 cu else raise NotConvertible and conv_cofix env k cf1 cf2 cu = if cf1 == cf2 then cu else if check_cofix cf1 cf2 then let bcf1, tcf1 = reduce_cofix k cf1 in let bcf2, tcf2 = reduce_cofix k cf2 in let cu = conv_vect (conv_val env CONV k) tcf1 tcf2 cu in conv_vect (conv_val env CONV (k + Array.length tcf1)) bcf1 bcf2 cu else raise NotConvertible and conv_arguments env ?from:(from=0) k args1 args2 cu = if args1 == args2 then cu else let n = nargs args1 in if Int.equal n (nargs args2) then let rcu = ref cu in for i = from to n - 1 do rcu := conv_val env CONV k (arg args1 i) (arg args2 i) !rcu done; !rcu else raise NotConvertible let warn_bytecode_compiler_failed = let open Pp in CWarnings.create ~name:"bytecode-compiler-failed" ~category:"bytecode-compiler" (fun () -> strbrk "Bytecode compiler failed, " ++ strbrk "falling back to standard conversion") let vm_conv_gen cv_pb env univs t1 t2 = if not (typing_flags env).Declarations.enable_VM then Reduction.generic_conv cv_pb ~l2r:false (fun _ -> None) TransparentState.full env univs t1 t2 else try let v1 = val_of_constr env t1 in let v2 = val_of_constr env t2 in fst (conv_val env cv_pb (nb_rel env) v1 v2 univs) with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ -> warn_bytecode_compiler_failed (); Reduction.generic_conv cv_pb ~l2r:false (fun _ -> None) TransparentState.full env univs t1 t2 let vm_conv cv_pb env t1 t2 = let univs = Environ.universes env in let b = if cv_pb = CUMUL then Constr.leq_constr_univs univs t1 t2 else Constr.eq_constr_univs univs t1 t2 in if not b then let univs = (univs, checked_universes) in let _ = vm_conv_gen cv_pb env univs t1 t2 in ()