1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Names open Constr open Environ open Reduction (* Type errors. *) type 'constr pguard_error = (* Fixpoints *) | NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody | RecursionNotOnInductiveType of 'constr | RecursionOnIllegalTerm of int * (env * 'constr) * int list * int list | NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall of int (* CoFixpoints *) | CodomainNotInductiveType of 'constr | NestedRecursiveOccurrences | UnguardedRecursiveCall of 'constr | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction of 'constr | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor of 'constr | RecCallInTypeOfDef of 'constr | RecCallInCaseFun of 'constr | RecCallInCaseArg of 'constr | RecCallInCasePred of 'constr | NotGuardedForm of 'constr | ReturnPredicateNotCoInductive of 'constr | FixpointOnIrrelevantInductive type guard_error = constr pguard_error type arity_error = | NonInformativeToInformative | StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType | WrongArity type ('constr, 'types) ptype_error = | UnboundRel of int | UnboundVar of variable | NotAType of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment | BadAssumption of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment | ReferenceVariables of Id.t * 'constr | ElimArity of pinductive * 'constr * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * (Sorts.family * Sorts.family * Sorts.family * arity_error) option | CaseNotInductive of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment | WrongCaseInfo of pinductive * case_info | NumberBranches of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * int | IllFormedBranch of 'constr * pconstructor * 'constr * 'constr | Generalization of (Name.t * 'types) * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment | ActualType of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * 'types | IncorrectPrimitive of (CPrimitives.op_or_type,'types) punsafe_judgment * 'types | CantApplyBadType of (int * 'constr * 'constr) * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array | CantApplyNonFunctional of ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array | IllFormedRecBody of 'constr pguard_error * Name.t Context.binder_annot array * int * env * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array | IllTypedRecBody of int * Name.t Context.binder_annot array * ('constr, 'types) punsafe_judgment array * 'types array | UnsatisfiedConstraints of Univ.Constraint.t | UndeclaredUniverse of Univ.Level.t | DisallowedSProp | BadRelevance type type_error = (constr, types) ptype_error exception TypeError of env * type_error type inductive_error = | NonPos of env * constr * constr | NotEnoughArgs of env * constr * constr | NotConstructor of env * Id.t * constr * constr * int * int | NonPar of env * constr * int * constr * constr | SameNamesTypes of Id.t | SameNamesConstructors of Id.t | SameNamesOverlap of Id.t list | NotAnArity of env * constr | BadEntry | LargeNonPropInductiveNotInType | BadUnivs exception InductiveError of inductive_error let nfj env {uj_val=c;uj_type=ct} = {uj_val=c;uj_type=nf_betaiota env ct} let error_unbound_rel env n = raise (TypeError (env, UnboundRel n)) let error_unbound_var env v = raise (TypeError (env, UnboundVar v)) let error_not_type env j = raise (TypeError (env, NotAType j)) let error_assumption env j = raise (TypeError (env, BadAssumption j)) let error_reference_variables env id c = raise (TypeError (env, ReferenceVariables (id,c))) let error_elim_arity env ind c pj okinds = raise (TypeError (env, ElimArity (ind,c,pj,okinds))) let error_case_not_inductive env j = raise (TypeError (env, CaseNotInductive j)) let error_number_branches env cj expn = raise (TypeError (env, NumberBranches (nfj env cj,expn))) let error_ill_formed_branch env c i actty expty = raise (TypeError (env, IllFormedBranch (c,i,nf_betaiota env actty, nf_betaiota env expty))) let error_generalization env nvar c = raise (TypeError (env, Generalization (nvar,c))) let error_actual_type env j expty = raise (TypeError (env, ActualType (j,expty))) let error_incorrect_primitive env p t = raise (TypeError (env, IncorrectPrimitive (p, t))) let error_cant_apply_not_functional env rator randl = raise (TypeError (env, CantApplyNonFunctional (rator,randl))) let error_cant_apply_bad_type env t rator randl = raise (TypeError (env, CantApplyBadType (t,rator,randl))) let error_ill_formed_rec_body env why lna i fixenv vdefj = raise (TypeError (env, IllFormedRecBody (why,lna,i,fixenv,vdefj))) let error_ill_typed_rec_body env i lna vdefj vargs = raise (TypeError (env, IllTypedRecBody (i,lna,vdefj,vargs))) let error_elim_explain kp ki = let open Sorts in match kp,ki with | (InType | InSet), InProp -> NonInformativeToInformative | InType, InSet -> StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType (* if Set impredicative *) | _ -> WrongArity let error_unsatisfied_constraints env c = raise (TypeError (env, UnsatisfiedConstraints c)) let error_undeclared_universe env l = raise (TypeError (env, UndeclaredUniverse l)) let error_disallowed_sprop env = raise (TypeError (env, DisallowedSProp)) let error_bad_relevance env = raise (TypeError (env, BadRelevance)) let map_pguard_error f = function | NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody -> NotEnoughAbstractionInFixBody | RecursionNotOnInductiveType c -> RecursionNotOnInductiveType (f c) | RecursionOnIllegalTerm (n, (env, c), l1, l2) -> RecursionOnIllegalTerm (n, (env, f c), l1, l2) | NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall n -> NotEnoughArgumentsForFixCall n | CodomainNotInductiveType c -> CodomainNotInductiveType (f c) | NestedRecursiveOccurrences -> NestedRecursiveOccurrences | UnguardedRecursiveCall c -> UnguardedRecursiveCall (f c) | RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction c -> RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction (f c) | RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor c -> RecCallInNonRecArgOfConstructor (f c) | RecCallInTypeOfDef c -> RecCallInTypeOfDef (f c) | RecCallInCaseFun c -> RecCallInCaseFun (f c) | RecCallInCaseArg c -> RecCallInCaseArg (f c) | RecCallInCasePred c -> RecCallInCasePred (f c) | NotGuardedForm c -> NotGuardedForm (f c) | ReturnPredicateNotCoInductive c -> ReturnPredicateNotCoInductive (f c) | FixpointOnIrrelevantInductive -> FixpointOnIrrelevantInductive let map_ptype_error f = function | UnboundRel n -> UnboundRel n | UnboundVar id -> UnboundVar id | NotAType j -> NotAType (on_judgment f j) | BadAssumption j -> BadAssumption (on_judgment f j) | ReferenceVariables (id, c) -> ReferenceVariables (id, f c) | ElimArity (pi, c, j, ar) -> ElimArity (pi, f c, on_judgment f j, ar) | CaseNotInductive j -> CaseNotInductive (on_judgment f j) | WrongCaseInfo (pi, ci) -> WrongCaseInfo (pi, ci) | NumberBranches (j, n) -> NumberBranches (on_judgment f j, n) | IllFormedBranch (c, pc, t1, t2) -> IllFormedBranch (f c, pc, f t1, f t2) | Generalization ((na, t), j) -> Generalization ((na, f t), on_judgment f j) | ActualType (j, t) -> ActualType (on_judgment f j, f t) | IncorrectPrimitive (p, t) -> IncorrectPrimitive ({p with uj_type=f p.uj_type}, f t) | CantApplyBadType ((n, c1, c2), j, vj) -> CantApplyBadType ((n, f c1, f c2), on_judgment f j, Array.map (on_judgment f) vj) | CantApplyNonFunctional (j, jv) -> CantApplyNonFunctional (on_judgment f j, Array.map (on_judgment f) jv) | IllFormedRecBody (ge, na, n, env, jv) -> IllFormedRecBody (map_pguard_error f ge, na, n, env, Array.map (on_judgment f) jv) | IllTypedRecBody (n, na, jv, t) -> IllTypedRecBody (n, na, Array.map (on_judgment f) jv, Array.map f t) | UnsatisfiedConstraints g -> UnsatisfiedConstraints g | UndeclaredUniverse l -> UndeclaredUniverse l | DisallowedSProp -> DisallowedSProp | BadRelevance -> BadRelevance