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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) (* Created by Jacek Chrzaszcz, Aug 2002 as part of the implementation of the Coq module system *) (* This module provides the main entry points for type-checking basic declarations *) open CErrors open Util open Names open Constr open Declarations open Environ open Entries module NamedDecl = Context.Named.Declaration (* Insertion of constants and parameters in environment. *) type 'a effect_handler = env -> Constr.t -> 'a -> (Constr.t * Univ.ContextSet.t * int) let skip_trusted_seff sl b e = let rec aux sl b e acc = let open Context.Rel.Declaration in if Int.equal sl 0 then b, e, acc else match kind b with | LetIn (n,c,ty,bo) -> aux (sl - 1) bo (Environ.push_rel (LocalDef (n,c,ty)) e) (`Let(n,c,ty)::acc) | App(hd,arg) -> begin match kind hd with | Lambda (n,ty,bo) -> aux (sl - 1) bo (Environ.push_rel (LocalAssum (n,ty)) e) (`Cut(n,ty,arg)::acc) | _ -> assert false end | _ -> assert false in aux sl b e [] let rec unzip ctx j = match ctx with | [] -> j | `Let (n,c,ty) :: ctx -> unzip ctx { j with uj_val = mkLetIn (n,c,ty,j.uj_val) } | `Cut (n,ty,arg) :: ctx -> unzip ctx { j with uj_val = mkApp (mkLambda (n,ty,j.uj_val),arg) } let feedback_completion_typecheck = Option.iter (fun state_id -> Feedback.feedback ~id:state_id Feedback.Complete) type typing_context = | MonoTyCtx of Environ.env * unsafe_type_judgment * Univ.ContextSet.t * Id.Set.t * Stateid.t option | PolyTyCtx of Environ.env * unsafe_type_judgment * Univ.universe_level_subst * Univ.AUContext.t * Id.Set.t * Stateid.t option let infer_declaration env (dcl : constant_entry) = match dcl with | ParameterEntry (ctx,(t,uctx),nl) -> let env = match uctx with | Monomorphic_entry uctx -> push_context_set ~strict:true uctx env | Polymorphic_entry (_, uctx) -> push_context ~strict:false uctx env in let j = Typeops.infer env t in let usubst, univs = Declareops.abstract_universes uctx in let r = Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j in let t = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_val in { Cooking.cook_body = Undef nl; cook_type = t; cook_universes = univs; cook_relevance = r; cook_inline = false; cook_context = ctx; } (** Primitives cannot be universe polymorphic *) | PrimitiveEntry ({ prim_entry_type = otyp; prim_entry_univs = uctxt; prim_entry_content = op_t; }) -> let env = push_context_set ~strict:true uctxt env in let ty = match otyp with | Some typ -> let typ = Typeops.infer_type env typ in Typeops.check_primitive_type env op_t typ.utj_val; typ.utj_val | None -> match op_t with | CPrimitives.OT_op op -> Typeops.type_of_prim env op | CPrimitives.OT_type _ -> mkSet in let cd = match op_t with | CPrimitives.OT_op op -> Declarations.Primitive op | CPrimitives.OT_type _ -> Undef None in { Cooking.cook_body = cd; cook_type = ty; cook_universes = Monomorphic uctxt; cook_inline = false; cook_context = None; cook_relevance = Sorts.Relevant; } | DefinitionEntry c -> let { const_entry_type = typ; _ } = c in let { const_entry_body = body; const_entry_feedback = feedback_id; _ } = c in let env, usubst, univs = match c.const_entry_universes with | Monomorphic_entry ctx -> let env = push_context_set ~strict:true ctx env in env, Univ.empty_level_subst, Monomorphic ctx | Polymorphic_entry (nas, uctx) -> (** [ctx] must contain local universes, such that it has no impact on the rest of the graph (up to transitivity). *) let env = push_context ~strict:false uctx env in let sbst, auctx = Univ.abstract_universes nas uctx in let sbst = Univ.make_instance_subst sbst in env, sbst, Polymorphic auctx in let j = Typeops.infer env body in let typ = match typ with | None -> Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_type | Some t -> let tj = Typeops.infer_type env t in let _ = Typeops.judge_of_cast env j DEFAULTcast tj in Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst tj.utj_val in let def = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_val in let def = Def (Mod_subst.from_val def) in feedback_completion_typecheck feedback_id; { Cooking.cook_body = def; cook_type = typ; cook_universes = univs; cook_relevance = Retypeops.relevance_of_term env j.uj_val; cook_inline = c.const_entry_inline_code; cook_context = c.const_entry_secctx; } (** Definition is opaque (Qed), so we delay the typing of its body. *) let infer_opaque env = function | ({ opaque_entry_type = typ; opaque_entry_universes = Monomorphic_entry univs; _ } as c) -> let env = push_context_set ~strict:true univs env in let { opaque_entry_feedback = feedback_id; _ } = c in let tyj = Typeops.infer_type env typ in let context = MonoTyCtx (env, tyj, univs, c.opaque_entry_secctx, feedback_id) in let def = OpaqueDef () in { Cooking.cook_body = def; cook_type = tyj.utj_val; cook_universes = Monomorphic univs; cook_relevance = Sorts.relevance_of_sort tyj.utj_type; cook_inline = false; cook_context = Some c.opaque_entry_secctx; }, context | ({ opaque_entry_type = typ; opaque_entry_universes = Polymorphic_entry (nas, uctx); _ } as c) -> let { opaque_entry_feedback = feedback_id; _ } = c in let env = push_context ~strict:false uctx env in let tj = Typeops.infer_type env typ in let sbst, auctx = Univ.abstract_universes nas uctx in let usubst = Univ.make_instance_subst sbst in let context = PolyTyCtx (env, tj, usubst, auctx, c.opaque_entry_secctx, feedback_id) in let def = OpaqueDef () in let typ = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst tj.utj_val in { Cooking.cook_body = def; cook_type = typ; cook_universes = Polymorphic auctx; cook_relevance = Sorts.relevance_of_sort tj.utj_type; cook_inline = false; cook_context = Some c.opaque_entry_secctx; }, context let check_section_variables env declared_set typ body = let ids_typ = global_vars_set env typ in let ids_def = global_vars_set env body in let inferred_set = Environ.really_needed env (Id.Set.union ids_typ ids_def) in if not (Id.Set.subset inferred_set declared_set) then let l = Id.Set.elements (Id.Set.diff inferred_set declared_set) in let n = List.length l in let declared_vars = Pp.pr_sequence Id.print (Id.Set.elements declared_set) in let inferred_vars = Pp.pr_sequence Id.print (Id.Set.elements inferred_set) in let missing_vars = Pp.pr_sequence Id.print (List.rev l) in user_err Pp.(prlist str ["The following section "; (String.plural n "variable"); " "; (String.conjugate_verb_to_be n); " used but not declared:"] ++ fnl () ++ missing_vars ++ str "." ++ fnl () ++ fnl () ++ str "You can either update your proof to not depend on " ++ missing_vars ++ str ", or you can update your Proof line from" ++ fnl () ++ str "Proof using " ++ declared_vars ++ fnl () ++ str "to" ++ fnl () ++ str "Proof using " ++ inferred_vars) let build_constant_declaration env result = let open Cooking in let typ = result.cook_type in (* We try to postpone the computation of used section variables *) let hyps, def = let context_ids = List.map NamedDecl.get_id (named_context env) in let def = result.cook_body in match result.cook_context with | None -> if List.is_empty context_ids then (* Empty section context: no need to check *) Id.Set.empty, def else (* No declared section vars, and non-empty section context: we must look at the body NOW, if any *) let ids_typ = global_vars_set env typ in let ids_def = match def with | Undef _ | Primitive _ -> Id.Set.empty | Def cs -> global_vars_set env (Mod_subst.force_constr cs) | OpaqueDef _ -> (* Opaque definitions always come with their section variables *) assert false in Environ.really_needed env (Id.Set.union ids_typ ids_def), def | Some declared -> let needed = Environ.really_needed env declared in (* Transitive closure ensured by the upper layers *) let () = assert (Id.Set.equal needed declared) in (* We use the declared set and chain a check of correctness *) declared, match def with | Undef _ | Primitive _ | OpaqueDef _ as x -> x (* nothing to check *) | Def cs as x -> let () = check_section_variables env declared typ (Mod_subst.force_constr cs) in x in let univs = result.cook_universes in let hyps = List.filter (fun d -> Id.Set.mem (NamedDecl.get_id d) hyps) (Environ.named_context env) in let tps = let res = Cbytegen.compile_constant_body ~fail_on_error:false env univs def in Option.map Cemitcodes.from_val res in { const_hyps = hyps; const_body = def; const_type = typ; const_body_code = tps; const_universes = univs; const_relevance = result.cook_relevance; const_inline_code = result.cook_inline; const_typing_flags = Environ.typing_flags env } let check_delayed (type a) (handle : a effect_handler) tyenv (body : a proof_output) = match tyenv with | MonoTyCtx (env, tyj, univs, declared, feedback_id) -> let ((body, uctx), side_eff) = body in (* don't redeclare universes which are declared for the type *) let uctx = Univ.ContextSet.diff uctx univs in let (body, uctx', valid_signatures) = handle env body side_eff in let uctx = Univ.ContextSet.union uctx uctx' in let env = push_context_set uctx env in let body,env,ectx = skip_trusted_seff valid_signatures body env in let j = Typeops.infer env body in let j = unzip ectx j in let _ = Typeops.judge_of_cast env j DEFAULTcast tyj in let c = j.uj_val in let () = check_section_variables env declared tyj.utj_val body in feedback_completion_typecheck feedback_id; c, Opaqueproof.PrivateMonomorphic uctx | PolyTyCtx (env, tj, usubst, auctx, declared, feedback_id) -> let ((body, ctx), side_eff) = body in let body, ctx', _ = handle env body side_eff in let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.union ctx ctx' in (** [ctx] must contain local universes, such that it has no impact on the rest of the graph (up to transitivity). *) let env = push_subgraph ctx env in let private_univs = on_snd (Univ.subst_univs_level_constraints usubst) ctx in let j = Typeops.infer env body in let _ = Typeops.judge_of_cast env j DEFAULTcast tj in let () = check_section_variables env declared tj.utj_val body in let def = Vars.subst_univs_level_constr usubst j.uj_val in let () = feedback_completion_typecheck feedback_id in def, Opaqueproof.PrivatePolymorphic (Univ.AUContext.size auctx, private_univs) (*s Global and local constant declaration. *) let translate_constant env _kn ce = build_constant_declaration env (infer_declaration env ce) let translate_opaque env _kn ce = let def, ctx = infer_opaque env ce in build_constant_declaration env def, ctx let translate_local_assum env t = let j = Typeops.infer env t in let t = Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env j in j.uj_val, t let translate_recipe env _kn r = let open Cooking in let result = Cooking.cook_constant r in let univs = result.cook_universes in let res = Cbytegen.compile_constant_body ~fail_on_error:false env univs result.cook_body in let tps = Option.map Cemitcodes.from_val res in let hyps = Option.get result.cook_context in (* Trust the set of section hypotheses generated by Cooking *) let hyps = List.filter (fun d -> Id.Set.mem (NamedDecl.get_id d) hyps) (Environ.named_context env) in { const_hyps = hyps; const_body = result.cook_body; const_type = result.cook_type; const_body_code = tps; const_universes = univs; const_relevance = result.cook_relevance; const_inline_code = result.cook_inline; const_typing_flags = Environ.typing_flags env } let translate_local_def env _id centry = let open Cooking in let centry = { const_entry_body = centry.secdef_body; const_entry_secctx = centry.secdef_secctx; const_entry_feedback = centry.secdef_feedback; const_entry_type = centry.secdef_type; const_entry_universes = Monomorphic_entry Univ.ContextSet.empty; const_entry_inline_code = false; } in let decl = infer_declaration env (DefinitionEntry centry) in let typ = decl.cook_type in let () = match decl.cook_universes with | Monomorphic ctx -> assert (Univ.ContextSet.is_empty ctx) | Polymorphic _ -> assert false in let c = match decl.cook_body with | Def c -> Mod_subst.force_constr c | Undef _ | Primitive _ | OpaqueDef _ -> assert false in c, decl.cook_relevance, typ