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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) open Names open Libnames (** {6 Concrete syntax for terms } *) (** [constr_expr] is the abstract syntax tree produced by the parser *) type universe_decl_expr = (lident list, Glob_term.glob_constraint list) UState.gen_universe_decl type ident_decl = lident * universe_decl_expr option type name_decl = lname * universe_decl_expr option type notation_entry = InConstrEntry | InCustomEntry of string type notation_entry_level = InConstrEntrySomeLevel | InCustomEntryLevel of string * int type notation_key = string type notation = notation_entry_level * notation_key type 'a or_by_notation_r = | AN of 'a | ByNotation of (string * string option) type 'a or_by_notation = 'a or_by_notation_r CAst.t (* NB: the last string in [ByNotation] is actually a [Notation.delimiters], but this formulation avoids a useless dependency. *) type explicitation = | ExplByPos of int * Id.t option (* a reference to the n-th product starting from left *) | ExplByName of Id.t type binder_kind = | Default of Glob_term.binding_kind | Generalized of Glob_term.binding_kind * bool (** (Inner binding always Implicit) Outer bindings, typeclass-specific flag for implicit generalization of superclasses *) type abstraction_kind = AbsLambda | AbsPi type proj_flag = int option (** [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *) (** Representation of decimal literals that appear in Coq scripts. We now use raw strings following the format defined by [NumTok.t] and a separate sign flag. Note that this representation is not unique, due to possible multiple leading or trailing zeros, and -0 = +0, for instances. The reason to keep the numeral exactly as it was parsed is that specific notations can be declared for specific numerals (e.g. [Notation "0" := False], or [Notation "00" := (nil,nil)], or [Notation "2e1" := ...]). Those notations, which override the generic interpretation as numeral, use the same representation of numeral using the Numeral constructor. So the latter should be able to record the form of the numeral which exactly matches the notation. *) type sign = SPlus | SMinus type raw_numeral = NumTok.t type prim_token = | Numeral of sign * raw_numeral | String of string type instance_expr = Glob_term.glob_level list type cases_pattern_expr_r = | CPatAlias of cases_pattern_expr * lname | CPatCstr of qualid * cases_pattern_expr list option * cases_pattern_expr list (** [CPatCstr (_, c, Some l1, l2)] represents [(@ c l1) l2] *) | CPatAtom of qualid option | CPatOr of cases_pattern_expr list | CPatNotation of notation * cases_pattern_notation_substitution * cases_pattern_expr list (** CPatNotation (_, n, l1 ,l2) represents (notation n applied with substitution l1) applied to arguments l2 *) | CPatPrim of prim_token | CPatRecord of (qualid * cases_pattern_expr) list | CPatDelimiters of string * cases_pattern_expr | CPatCast of cases_pattern_expr * constr_expr and cases_pattern_expr = cases_pattern_expr_r CAst.t and cases_pattern_notation_substitution = cases_pattern_expr list * (* for constr subterms *) cases_pattern_expr list list (* for recursive notations *) and constr_expr_r = | CRef of qualid * instance_expr option | CFix of lident * fix_expr list | CCoFix of lident * cofix_expr list | CProdN of local_binder_expr list * constr_expr | CLambdaN of local_binder_expr list * constr_expr | CLetIn of lname * constr_expr * constr_expr option * constr_expr | CAppExpl of (proj_flag * qualid * instance_expr option) * constr_expr list | CApp of (proj_flag * constr_expr) * (constr_expr * explicitation CAst.t option) list | CRecord of (qualid * constr_expr) list (* representation of the "let" and "match" constructs *) | CCases of Constr.case_style (* determines whether this value represents "let" or "match" construct *) * constr_expr option (* return-clause *) * case_expr list * branch_expr list (* branches *) | CLetTuple of lname list * (lname option * constr_expr option) * constr_expr * constr_expr | CIf of constr_expr * (lname option * constr_expr option) * constr_expr * constr_expr | CHole of Evar_kinds.t option * Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr * Genarg.raw_generic_argument option | CPatVar of Pattern.patvar | CEvar of Glob_term.existential_name * (Id.t * constr_expr) list | CSort of Glob_term.glob_sort | CCast of constr_expr * constr_expr Glob_term.cast_type | CNotation of notation * constr_notation_substitution | CGeneralization of Glob_term.binding_kind * abstraction_kind option * constr_expr | CPrim of prim_token | CDelimiters of string * constr_expr and constr_expr = constr_expr_r CAst.t and case_expr = constr_expr (* expression that is being matched *) * lname option (* as-clause *) * cases_pattern_expr option (* in-clause *) and branch_expr = (cases_pattern_expr list list * constr_expr) CAst.t and fix_expr = lident * recursion_order_expr option * local_binder_expr list * constr_expr * constr_expr and cofix_expr = lident * local_binder_expr list * constr_expr * constr_expr and recursion_order_expr_r = | CStructRec of lident | CWfRec of lident * constr_expr | CMeasureRec of lident option * constr_expr * constr_expr option (** argument, measure, relation *) and recursion_order_expr = recursion_order_expr_r CAst.t (* Anonymous defs allowed ?? *) and local_binder_expr = | CLocalAssum of lname list * binder_kind * constr_expr | CLocalDef of lname * constr_expr * constr_expr option | CLocalPattern of (cases_pattern_expr * constr_expr option) CAst.t and constr_notation_substitution = constr_expr list * (* for constr subterms *) constr_expr list list * (* for recursive notations *) cases_pattern_expr list * (* for binders *) local_binder_expr list list (* for binder lists (recursive notations) *) type constr_pattern_expr = constr_expr (** Concrete syntax for modules and module types *) type with_declaration_ast = | CWith_Module of Id.t list CAst.t * qualid | CWith_Definition of Id.t list CAst.t * universe_decl_expr option * constr_expr type module_ast_r = | CMident of qualid | CMapply of module_ast * module_ast | CMwith of module_ast * with_declaration_ast and module_ast = module_ast_r CAst.t