1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472
(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) (* Created from contents that was formerly in termops.ml and nameops.ml, Nov 2009 *) (* This file is about generating new or fresh names and dealing with alpha-renaming *) open Util open Names open Term open Constr open Context open Environ open EConstr open Vars open Nameops open Libnames open Context.Rel.Declaration module RelDecl = Context.Rel.Declaration (** General evar naming using intro patterns *) type intro_pattern_naming_expr = | IntroIdentifier of Id.t | IntroFresh of Id.t | IntroAnonymous let intro_pattern_naming_eq nam1 nam2 = match nam1, nam2 with | IntroAnonymous, IntroAnonymous -> true | IntroIdentifier id1, IntroIdentifier id2 -> Names.Id.equal id1 id2 | IntroFresh id1, IntroFresh id2 -> Names.Id.equal id1 id2 | _ -> false (**********************************************************************) (* Conventional names *) let default_prop_string = "H" let default_prop_ident = Id.of_string default_prop_string let default_small_string = "H" let default_small_ident = Id.of_string default_small_string let default_type_string = "X" let default_type_ident = Id.of_string default_type_string let default_non_dependent_string = "H" let default_non_dependent_ident = Id.of_string default_non_dependent_string let default_dependent_ident = Id.of_string "x" let default_generated_non_letter_string = "x" (**********************************************************************) (* Globality of identifiers *) let is_imported_modpath = function | MPfile dp -> let rec find_prefix = function |MPfile dp1 -> not (DirPath.equal dp1 dp) |MPdot(mp,_) -> find_prefix mp |MPbound(_) -> false in find_prefix (Lib.current_mp ()) | _ -> false let is_imported_ref = let open GlobRef in function | VarRef _ -> false | IndRef (kn,_) | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> let mp = MutInd.modpath kn in is_imported_modpath mp | ConstRef kn -> let mp = Constant.modpath kn in is_imported_modpath mp let is_global id = try let ref = Nametab.locate (qualid_of_ident id) in not (is_imported_ref ref) with Not_found -> false let is_constructor id = try match Nametab.locate (qualid_of_ident id) with | GlobRef.ConstructRef _ -> true | _ -> false with Not_found -> false let is_section_variable id = try let _ = Global.lookup_named id in true with Not_found -> false (**********************************************************************) (* Generating "intuitive" names from its type *) let global_of_constr = let open GlobRef in function | Const (c, _) -> ConstRef c | Ind (i, _) -> IndRef i | Construct (c, _) -> ConstructRef c | Var id -> VarRef id | _ -> assert false let head_name sigma c = (* Find the head constant of a constr if any *) let rec hdrec c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Prod (_,_,c) | Lambda (_,_,c) | LetIn (_,_,_,c) | Cast (c,_,_) | App (c,_) -> hdrec c | Proj (kn,_) -> Some (Label.to_id (Constant.label (Projection.constant kn))) | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ | Var _ as c -> Some (Nametab.basename_of_global (global_of_constr c)) | Fix ((_,i),(lna,_,_)) | CoFix (i,(lna,_,_)) -> Some (match lna.(i).binder_name with Name id -> id | _ -> assert false) | Sort _ | Rel _ | Meta _|Evar _|Case (_, _, _, _) | Int _ -> None in hdrec c let lowercase_first_char id = (* First character of a constr *) let s = Id.to_string id in match Unicode.split_at_first_letter s with | None -> (* General case: nat -> n *) Unicode.lowercase_first_char s | Some (s,s') -> if String.length s' = 0 then (* No letter, e.g. __, or __'_, etc. *) default_generated_non_letter_string else s ^ Unicode.lowercase_first_char s' let sort_hdchar = function | SProp -> "P" | Prop -> "P" | Set -> "S" | Type _ -> "T" let hdchar env sigma c = let rec hdrec k c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Prod (_,_,c) | Lambda (_,_,c) | LetIn (_,_,_,c) -> hdrec (k+1) c | Cast (c,_,_) | App (c,_) -> hdrec k c | Proj (kn,_) -> lowercase_first_char (Label.to_id (Constant.label (Projection.constant kn))) | Const (kn,_) -> lowercase_first_char (Label.to_id (Constant.label kn)) | Ind (x,_) -> (try lowercase_first_char (Nametab.basename_of_global (GlobRef.IndRef x)) with Not_found when !Flags.in_debugger -> "zz") | Construct (x,_) -> (try lowercase_first_char (Nametab.basename_of_global (GlobRef.ConstructRef x)) with Not_found when !Flags.in_debugger -> "zz") | Var id -> lowercase_first_char id | Sort s -> sort_hdchar (ESorts.kind sigma s) | Rel n -> (if n<=k then "p" (* the initial term is flexible product/function *) else try match let d = lookup_rel (n-k) env in get_name d, get_type d with | Name id, _ -> lowercase_first_char id | Anonymous, t -> hdrec 0 (lift (n-k) t) with Not_found -> "y") | Fix ((_,i),(lna,_,_)) | CoFix (i,(lna,_,_)) -> let id = match lna.(i).binder_name with Name id -> id | _ -> assert false in lowercase_first_char id | Evar _ (* We could do better... *) | Meta _ | Case (_, _, _, _) -> "y" | Int _ -> "i" in hdrec 0 c let id_of_name_using_hdchar env sigma a = function | Anonymous -> Id.of_string (hdchar env sigma a) | Name id -> id let named_hd env sigma a = function | Anonymous -> Name (Id.of_string (hdchar env sigma a)) | x -> x let mkProd_name env sigma (n,a,b) = mkProd (map_annot (named_hd env sigma a) n, a, b) let mkLambda_name env sigma (n,a,b) = mkLambda (map_annot (named_hd env sigma a) n, a, b) let lambda_name = mkLambda_name let prod_name = mkProd_name let prod_create env sigma (r,a,b) = mkProd (make_annot (named_hd env sigma a Anonymous) r, a, b) let lambda_create env sigma (r,a,b) = mkLambda (make_annot (named_hd env sigma a Anonymous) r, a, b) let name_assumption env sigma = function | LocalAssum (na,t) -> LocalAssum (map_annot (named_hd env sigma t) na, t) | LocalDef (na,c,t) -> LocalDef (map_annot (named_hd env sigma c) na, c, t) let name_context env sigma hyps = snd (List.fold_left (fun (env,hyps) d -> let d' = name_assumption env sigma d in (push_rel d' env, d' :: hyps)) (env,[]) (List.rev hyps)) let mkProd_or_LetIn_name env sigma b d = mkProd_or_LetIn (name_assumption env sigma d) b let mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env sigma b d = mkLambda_or_LetIn (name_assumption env sigma d) b let it_mkProd_or_LetIn_name env sigma b hyps = it_mkProd_or_LetIn b (name_context env sigma hyps) let it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env sigma b hyps = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn b (name_context env sigma hyps) (**********************************************************************) (* Fresh names *) (* Introduce a mode where auto-generated names are mangled to test dependence of scripts on auto-generated names *) let get_mangle_names = Goptions.declare_bool_option_and_ref ~depr:false ~name:"mangle auto-generated names" ~key:["Mangle";"Names"] ~value:false let mangle_names_prefix = ref (Id.of_string "_0") let set_prefix x = mangle_names_prefix := forget_subscript x let () = Goptions.( declare_string_option { optdepr = false; optname = "mangled names prefix"; optkey = ["Mangle";"Names";"Prefix"]; optread = (fun () -> Id.to_string !mangle_names_prefix); optwrite = begin fun x -> set_prefix (try Id.of_string x with CErrors.UserError _ -> CErrors.user_err Pp.(str ("Not a valid identifier: \"" ^ x ^ "\"."))) end }) let mangle_id id = if get_mangle_names () then !mangle_names_prefix else id (* Looks for next "good" name by lifting subscript *) let next_ident_away_from id bad = let id = mangle_id id in let rec name_rec id = if bad id then name_rec (increment_subscript id) else id in name_rec id (* Restart subscript from x0 if name starts with xN, or x00 if name starts with x0N, etc *) let restart_subscript id = if not (has_subscript id) then id else (* It would probably be better with something in the spirit of *** make_ident id (Some 0) *** but compatibility would be lost... *) forget_subscript id let visible_ids sigma (nenv, c) = let accu = ref (GlobRef.Set_env.empty, Int.Set.empty, Id.Set.empty) in let rec visible_ids n c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Const _ | Ind _ | Construct _ | Var _ as c -> let (gseen, vseen, ids) = !accu in let g = global_of_constr c in if not (GlobRef.Set_env.mem g gseen) then begin try let gseen = GlobRef.Set_env.add g gseen in let short = Nametab.shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty g in let dir, id = repr_qualid short in let ids = if DirPath.is_empty dir then Id.Set.add id ids else ids in accu := (gseen, vseen, ids) with Not_found when !Flags.in_debugger || !Flags.in_toplevel -> () end | Rel p -> let (gseen, vseen, ids) = !accu in if p > n && not (Int.Set.mem p vseen) then let vseen = Int.Set.add p vseen in let name = try Some (List.nth nenv (p - n - 1)) with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> (* Unbound index: may happen in debug and actually also while computing temporary implicit arguments of an inductive type *) None in let ids = match name with | Some (Name id) -> Id.Set.add id ids | _ -> ids in accu := (gseen, vseen, ids) | _ -> EConstr.iter_with_binders sigma succ visible_ids n c in let () = visible_ids 1 c in let (_, _, ids) = !accu in ids (* Now, there are different renaming strategies... *) (* 1- Looks for a fresh name for printing in cases pattern *) let next_name_away_in_cases_pattern sigma env_t na avoid = let id = match na with Name id -> id | Anonymous -> default_dependent_ident in let visible = visible_ids sigma env_t in let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || is_constructor id || Id.Set.mem id visible in next_ident_away_from id bad (* 2- Looks for a fresh name for introduction in goal *) (* The legacy strategy for renaming introduction variables is not very uniform: - if the name to use is fresh in the context but used as a global name, then a fresh name is taken by finding a free subscript starting from the current subscript; - but if the name to use is not fresh in the current context, the fresh name is taken by finding a free subscript starting from 0 *) let next_ident_away_in_goal id avoid = let id = if Id.Set.mem id avoid then restart_subscript id else id in let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || (is_global id && not (is_section_variable id)) in next_ident_away_from id bad let next_name_away_in_goal na avoid = let id = match na with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> default_non_dependent_ident in next_ident_away_in_goal id avoid (* 3- Looks for next fresh name outside a list that is moreover valid as a global identifier; the legacy algorithm is that if the name is already used in the list, one looks for a name of same base with lower available subscript; if the name is not in the list but is used globally, one looks for a name of same base with lower subscript beyond the current subscript *) let next_global_ident_away id avoid = let id = if Id.Set.mem id avoid then restart_subscript id else id in let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || Global.exists_objlabel (Label.of_id id) in next_ident_away_from id bad (* 4- Looks for next fresh name outside a list; if name already used, looks for same name with lower available subscript *) let next_ident_away id avoid = let id = mangle_id id in if Id.Set.mem id avoid then next_ident_away_from (restart_subscript id) (fun id -> Id.Set.mem id avoid) else id let next_name_away_with_default default na avoid = let id = match na with Name id -> id | Anonymous -> Id.of_string default in next_ident_away id avoid let reserved_type_name = ref (fun t -> Anonymous) let set_reserved_typed_name f = reserved_type_name := f let next_name_away_with_default_using_types default na avoid t = let id = match na with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> match !reserved_type_name t with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> Id.of_string default in next_ident_away id avoid let next_name_away = next_name_away_with_default default_non_dependent_string let make_all_name_different env sigma = (* FIXME: this is inefficient, but only used in printing *) let avoid = ref (ids_of_named_context_val (named_context_val env)) in let sign = named_context_val env in let rels = rel_context env in let env0 = reset_with_named_context sign env in Context.Rel.fold_outside (fun decl newenv -> let na = named_hd newenv sigma (RelDecl.get_type decl) (RelDecl.get_name decl) in let id = next_name_away na !avoid in avoid := Id.Set.add id !avoid; push_rel (RelDecl.set_name (Name id) decl) newenv) rels ~init:env0 (* 5- Looks for next fresh name outside a list; avoids also to use names that would clash with short name of global references; if name is already used, looks for name of same base with lower available subscript beyond current subscript *) let next_ident_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t id avoid = let visible = visible_ids sigma env_t in let bad id = Id.Set.mem id avoid || Id.Set.mem id visible in next_ident_away_from id bad let next_name_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t na avoid = let id = match na with | Name id -> id | Anonymous -> (* In principle, an anonymous name is not dependent and will not be *) (* taken into account by the function compute_displayed_name_in; *) (* just in case, invent a valid name *) default_non_dependent_ident in next_ident_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t id avoid (**********************************************************************) (* Displaying terms avoiding bound variables clashes *) (* Renaming strategy introduced in December 1998: - Rule number 1: all names, even if unbound and not displayed, contribute to the list of names to avoid - Rule number 2: only the dependency status is used for deciding if a name is displayed or not Example: bool_ind: "forall (P:bool->Prop)(f:(P true))(f:(P false))(b:bool), P b" is displayed "forall P:bool->Prop, P true -> P false -> forall b:bool, P b" but f and f0 contribute to the list of variables to avoid (knowing that f and f0 are how the f's would be named if introduced, assuming no other f and f0 are already used). *) type renaming_flags = | RenamingForCasesPattern of (Name.t list * constr) | RenamingForGoal | RenamingElsewhereFor of (Name.t list * constr) let next_name_for_display sigma flags = match flags with | RenamingForCasesPattern env_t -> next_name_away_in_cases_pattern sigma env_t | RenamingForGoal -> next_name_away_in_goal | RenamingElsewhereFor env_t -> next_name_away_for_default_printing sigma env_t (* Remark: Anonymous var may be dependent in Evar's contexts *) let compute_displayed_name_in_gen_poly noccurn_fun sigma flags avoid na c = match na with | Anonymous when noccurn_fun sigma 1 c -> (Anonymous,avoid) | _ -> let fresh_id = next_name_for_display sigma flags na avoid in let idopt = if noccurn_fun sigma 1 c then Anonymous else Name fresh_id in (idopt, Id.Set.add fresh_id avoid) let compute_displayed_name_in = compute_displayed_name_in_gen_poly noccurn let compute_displayed_name_in_gen f sigma = (* only flag which does not need a constr, maybe to be refined *) let flag = RenamingForGoal in compute_displayed_name_in_gen_poly f sigma flag let compute_and_force_displayed_name_in sigma flags avoid na c = match na with | Anonymous when noccurn sigma 1 c -> (Anonymous,avoid) | _ -> let fresh_id = next_name_for_display sigma flags na avoid in (Name fresh_id, Id.Set.add fresh_id avoid) let compute_displayed_let_name_in sigma flags avoid na c = let fresh_id = next_name_for_display sigma flags na avoid in (Name fresh_id, Id.Set.add fresh_id avoid) let rename_bound_vars_as_displayed sigma avoid env c = let rec rename avoid env c = match EConstr.kind sigma c with | Prod (na,c1,c2) -> let na',avoid' = compute_displayed_name_in sigma (RenamingElsewhereFor (env,c2)) avoid na.binder_name c2 in mkProd ({na with binder_name=na'}, c1, rename avoid' (na' :: env) c2) | LetIn (na,c1,t,c2) -> let na',avoid' = compute_displayed_let_name_in sigma (RenamingElsewhereFor (env,c2)) avoid na.binder_name c2 in mkLetIn ({na with binder_name=na'},c1,t, rename avoid' (na' :: env) c2) | Cast (c,k,t) -> mkCast (rename avoid env c, k,t) | _ -> c in rename avoid env c