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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) (** This file defines the low-level monadic operations used by the tactic monad. The monad is divided into two layers: a non-logical layer which consists in operations which will not (or cannot) be backtracked in case of failure (input/output or persistent state) and a logical layer which handles backtracking, proof manipulation, and any other effect which needs to backtrack. *) (** {6 Exceptions} *) (** To help distinguish between exceptions raised by the IO monad from the one used natively by Coq, the former are wrapped in [Exception]. It is only used internally so that [catch] blocks of the IO monad would only catch exceptions raised by the [raise] function of the IO monad, and not for instance, by system interrupts. Also used in [Proofview] to avoid capturing exception from the IO monad ([Proofview] catches errors in its compatibility layer, and when lifting goal-level expressions). *) exception Exception of exn (** This exception is used to signal abortion in [timeout] functions. *) exception Tac_Timeout (** This exception is used by the tactics to signal failure by lack of successes, rather than some other exceptions (like system interrupts). *) exception TacticFailure of exn let _ = CErrors.register_handler begin function | Exception e -> CErrors.print e | TacticFailure e -> CErrors.print e | _ -> raise CErrors.Unhandled end (** {6 Non-logical layer} *) (** The non-logical monad is a simple [unit -> 'a] (i/o) monad. The operations are simple wrappers around corresponding usual operations and require little documentation. *) module NonLogical = struct (* The functions in this module follow the pattern that they are defined with the form [(); fun ()->...]. This is an optimisation which signals to the compiler that the function is usually partially applied up to the [();]. Without this annotation, partial applications can be significantly slower. Documentation of this behaviour can be found at: https://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/30 *) include Monad.Make(struct type 'a t = unit -> 'a let return a = (); fun () -> a let (>>=) a k = (); fun () -> k (a ()) () let (>>) a k = (); fun () -> a (); k () let map f a = (); fun () -> f (a ()) end) type 'a ref = 'a Util.pervasives_ref let ignore a = (); fun () -> ignore (a ()) let ref a = (); fun () -> ref a (** [Pervasives.(:=)] *) let (:=) r a = (); fun () -> r := a (** [Pervasives.(!)] *) let (!) = fun r -> (); fun () -> ! r (** [Pervasives.raise]. Except that exceptions are wrapped with {!Exception}. *) let raise ?info = fun e -> (); fun () -> Exninfo.raise ?info (Exception e) (** [try ... with ...] but restricted to {!Exception}. *) let catch = fun s h -> (); fun () -> try s () with Exception e as src -> let (src, info) = CErrors.push src in h (e, info) () let read_line = fun () -> try read_line () with e -> let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in raise ~info e () let print_char = fun c -> (); fun () -> print_char c let timeout = fun n t -> (); fun () -> Control.timeout n t () (Exception Tac_Timeout) let make f = (); fun () -> try f () with e when CErrors.noncritical e -> let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in Util.iraise (Exception e, info) (** Use the current logger. The buffer is also flushed. *) let print_debug s = make (fun _ -> Feedback.msg_debug s) let print_info s = make (fun _ -> Feedback.msg_info s) let print_warning s = make (fun _ -> Feedback.msg_warning s) let print_notice s = make (fun _ -> Feedback.msg_notice s) let run = fun x -> try x () with Exception e as src -> let (src, info) = CErrors.push src in Util.iraise (e, info) end (** {6 Logical layer} *) (** The logical monad is a backtracking monad on top of which is layered a state monad (which is used to implement all of read/write, read only, and write only effects). The state monad being layered on top of the backtracking monad makes it so that the state is backtracked on failure. Backtracking differs from regular exception in that, writing (+) for exception catching and (>>=) for bind, we require the following extra distributivity laws: x+(y+z) = (x+y)+z zero+x = x x+zero = x (x+y)>>=k = (x>>=k)+(y>>=k) *) (** A view type for the logical monad, which is a form of list, hence we can decompose it with as a list. *) type ('a, 'b, 'e) list_view = | Nil of 'e | Cons of 'a * ('e -> 'b) module BackState = struct (** Double-continuation backtracking monads are reasonable folklore for "search" implementations (including the Tac interactive prover's tactics). Yet it's quite hard to wrap your head around these. I recommend reading a few times the "Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper by O. Kiselyov, C. Shan, D. Friedman, and A. Sabry. The peculiar shape of the monadic type is reminiscent of that of the continuation monad transformer. The paper also contains the rationale for the [split] abstraction. An explanation of how to derive such a monad from mathematical principles can be found in "Kan Extensions for Program Optimisation" by Ralf Hinze. A somewhat concrete view is that the type ['a iolist] is, in fact the impredicative encoding of the following stream type: [type 'a _iolist' = Nil of exn | Cons of 'a*'a iolist' and 'a iolist = 'a _iolist NonLogical.t] Using impredicative encoding avoids intermediate allocation and is, empirically, very efficient in Ocaml. It also has the practical benefit that the monadic operation are independent of the underlying monad, which simplifies the code and side-steps the limited inlining of Ocaml. In that vision, [bind] is simply [concat_map] (though the cps version is significantly simpler), [plus] is concatenation, and [split] is pattern-matching. *) type ('a, 'i, 'o, 'e) t = { iolist : 'r. 'i -> ('e -> 'r NonLogical.t) -> ('a -> 'o -> ('e -> 'r NonLogical.t) -> 'r NonLogical.t) -> 'r NonLogical.t } let return x = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons x s nil } let (>>=) m f = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s nil (fun x s next -> (f x).iolist s next cons) } let (>>) m f = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s nil (fun () s next -> f.iolist s next cons) } let map f m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s nil (fun x s next -> cons (f x) s next) } let zero e = { iolist = fun _ nil cons -> nil e } let plus m1 m2 = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m1.iolist s (fun e -> (m2 e).iolist s nil cons) cons } let ignore m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s nil (fun _ s next -> cons () s next) } let lift m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> NonLogical.(m >>= fun x -> cons x s nil) } (** State related *) let get = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons s s nil } let set s = { iolist = fun _ nil cons -> cons () s nil } let modify f = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons () (f s) nil } (** Exception manipulation *) let interleave src dst m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s (fun e1 -> nil (src e1)) (fun x s next -> cons x s (fun e2 -> next (dst e2))) } (** List observation *) let once m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s nil (fun x s _ -> cons x s nil) } let break f m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist s nil (fun x s next -> cons x s (fun e -> match f e with None -> next e | Some e -> nil e)) } (** For [reflect] and [split] see the "Backtracking, Interleaving, and Terminating Monad Transformers" paper. *) type ('a, 'e) reified = ('a, ('a, 'e) reified, 'e) list_view NonLogical.t let rec reflect (m : ('a * 'o, 'e) reified) = { iolist = fun s0 nil cons -> let next = function | Nil e -> nil e | Cons ((x, s), l) -> cons x s (fun e -> (reflect (l e)).iolist s0 nil cons) in NonLogical.(m >>= next) } let split m : ((_, _, _) list_view, _, _, _) t = let rnil e = NonLogical.return (Nil e) in let rcons p s l = NonLogical.return (Cons ((p, s), l)) in { iolist = fun s nil cons -> let open NonLogical in m.iolist s rnil rcons >>= begin function | Nil e -> cons (Nil e) s nil | Cons ((x, s), l) -> let l e = reflect (l e) in cons (Cons (x, l)) s nil end } let run m s = let rnil e = NonLogical.return (Nil e) in let rcons x s l = let p = (x, s) in NonLogical.return (Cons (p, l)) in m.iolist s rnil rcons let repr x = x end module type Param = sig (** Read only *) type e (** Write only *) type w (** [w] must be a monoid *) val wunit : w val wprod : w -> w -> w (** Read-write *) type s (** Update-only. Essentially a writer on [u->u]. *) type u (** [u] must be pointed. *) val uunit : u end module Logical (P:Param) = struct module Unsafe = struct (** All three of environment, writer and state are coded as a single state-passing-style monad.*) type state = { rstate : P.e; ustate : P.u; wstate : P.w; sstate : P.s; } let make m = m let repr m = m end open Unsafe type state = Unsafe.state type iexn = Exninfo.iexn type 'a reified = ('a, iexn) BackState.reified (** Inherited from Backstate *) open BackState include Monad.Make(struct type 'a t = ('a, state, state, iexn) BackState.t let return = BackState.return let (>>=) = BackState.(>>=) let (>>) = BackState.(>>) let map = BackState.map end) let zero = BackState.zero let plus = BackState.plus let ignore = BackState.ignore let lift = BackState.lift let once = BackState.once let break = BackState.break let split = BackState.split let repr = BackState.repr (** State related. We specialize them here to ensure soundness (for reader and writer) and efficiency. *) let get = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons s.sstate s nil } let set (sstate : P.s) = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons () { s with sstate } nil } let modify (f : P.s -> P.s) = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons () { s with sstate = f s.sstate } nil } let current = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons s.rstate s nil } let local e m = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> m.iolist { s with rstate = e } nil (fun x s' next -> cons x {s' with rstate = s.rstate} next) } let put w = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons () { s with wstate = P.wprod s.wstate w } nil } let update (f : P.u -> P.u) = { iolist = fun s nil cons -> cons () { s with ustate = f s.ustate } nil } (** Monadic run is specialized to handle reader / writer *) let run m r s = let s = { wstate = P.wunit; ustate = P.uunit; rstate = r; sstate = s } in let rnil e = NonLogical.return (Nil e) in let rcons x s l = let p = (x, s.sstate, s.wstate, s.ustate) in NonLogical.return (Cons (p, l)) in m.iolist s rnil rcons end