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(************************************************************************) (* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *) (* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2019 *) (* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *) (* \VV/ **************************************************************) (* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *) (************************************************************************) type ('a,'r) u = | Nil | Cons of 'a * 'r type 'a node = ('a,'a t) u and 'a t = 'a node Lazy.t let empty = Lazy.from_val Nil let cons x s = Lazy.from_val (Cons (x, s)) let thunk = Lazy.from_fun let rec make_node f s = match f s with | Nil -> Nil | Cons (x, s) -> Cons (x, make f s) and make f s = lazy (make_node f s) let rec force s = match Lazy.force s with | Nil -> () | Cons (_, s) -> force s let force s = force s; s let is_empty s = match Lazy.force s with | Nil -> true | Cons (_, _) -> false let peek = Lazy.force let rec of_list = function | [] -> empty | x :: l -> cons x (of_list l) let rec to_list s = match Lazy.force s with | Nil -> [] | Cons (x, s) -> x :: (to_list s) let rec iter f s = match Lazy.force s with | Nil -> () | Cons (x, s) -> f x; iter f s let rec map_node f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons (x, s) -> Cons (f x, map f s) and map f s = lazy (map_node f (Lazy.force s)) let rec app_node n1 s2 = match n1 with | Nil -> Lazy.force s2 | Cons (x, s1) -> Cons (x, app s1 s2) and app s1 s2 = lazy (app_node (Lazy.force s1) s2) let rec fold f accu s = match Lazy.force s with | Nil -> accu | Cons (x, s) -> fold f (f accu x) s let rec map_filter_node f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons (x, s) -> begin match f x with | None -> map_filter_node f (Lazy.force s) | Some y -> Cons (y, map_filter f s) end and map_filter f s = lazy (map_filter_node f (Lazy.force s)) let rec concat_node = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons (s, sl) -> app_node (Lazy.force s) (concat sl) and concat (s : 'a t t) = lazy (concat_node (Lazy.force s)) let rec concat_map_node f = function | Nil -> Nil | Cons (x,s) -> app_node (Lazy.force (f x)) (concat_map f s) and concat_map f l = lazy (concat_map_node f (Lazy.force l))